𝐆𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐰𝐚𝐲

Start from the beginning

He immediately run there and saw him, but not alone

Hyungwon was there

And both were talking and laughing

He smiled slightly and went to them

Js: h hey
Jh: oh joshua, how are you ?
Js: good and you two ?
Both smiled and nod

Hw: so what bring you here ?
J: oh hum, I already ask the others but none free so I was wondering if you jeonghan was free but ofc if you.....
Hw: o oh
Jh: I'm so sorry shuji, but we had planned to go to the skate park
Joshua smile drop and tried to compose himself and regain his smile a little

Js: o oh it's fine don't worry, I'll go home, I just remembered I had something to do
Jh: you sure ? You can come along ?
Js: a ah no I don't like skate
Jh: oh right, I'm sorry shuji but let's hang out another time okay ? I promise hmm ?
Joshua nod and both boys wave and left and Joshua look down and thought of mingyu and wonwoo until he realized both are already at their house and said they would be occupied for school and then thought of woozi as he was single too

But to his bad luck, he was busy with homework

He so then went back home teary eyes


He then went to his bed and cried and talk to his bunny plushie

Js: do you think they don't like me anymore ? Am I boring ? A..am i weird ? Or is it because I'm the only single one ? B but woozi ? O oh right he's with someone already, just from another city, but jeonghan ? N no he cannot be with hyungwon ? I is he ? It's true he's been spending time with him a lot lately, maybe no one in my friend group want me cause now I'm alone and can't do things couple can do I'm the only one single, what a terrible life and jeonghan ? Never busy if it's me ? I doubt
He said voice cracking and looking at his group friends photo on his phone and hug his plushie and cried


On the other side

Verkwan, Junhao and cheolchan and Seoksoon that just tag along the two first couple came across jeonghan and hyungwon

Sk: hi jeonghan hyung
Jh: oh hey, what you're doing all here ?
V: hanging out and doing a quadruple date, haha
Jh: nice I guess
J: you ?
Jh: hanging out too
Mh: a date ?
Hw: No no no no, I already have someone, just as friends
Dk: nice

H: Joshua didn't came to you ?
Jh: he did, but as I already plan something he said it was okay and that he'll go home
Sc: hum how did he looks ?
Jh: ab..? What ?
Sc: did he seems sad or upset ?
Jh: well idk if he says he's okay ? But it's true he's voice change a little when he say that it was okay, and his smile seems force, but I'm sure woozi was free ? Right ?
D: no he had a lot of homework and saw goes to mingyu and wonwoo

Hw: so he is alone ?
All gasp

V: seungcheol hyung can you tell us your hypothesis?
Jh: huh ?
D: well he has a supposions about Joshua's comportment
Jh: oooh so ???
Sc: o oh w well, I might be wrong but, maybe he feels left out and alone ? I mean hes the only one that is not single, even tho woozi is in relation ship and could hang out with him he's always busy cause of school, damn idk why he choose this type of studies, and you jeonghan well hum idk really seems like you're close to hyungwon

Jh: so for you he is ? Jealous?
Sc: No ! Broken, sad, feeling left out, because now that we're are all in relationship he's alone
All made an o shape and felt bad

J: but jeonghan hyung ? You're not in relationship ?
Jh: No why ?
J: then why don't you spend time with Joshua ? Even tho you'll be with hyungwon, being all three together can be cool ?

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