🎞️장28 (DA): Where You Wanna Go

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"And uh... Here, a... Necklace. For you."

Sunghoon gave her gift to Ji-Sun who blushed a bit and smiled.

Sunghoon gave her gift to Ji-Sun who blushed a bit and smiled

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"So wherever you go... There'll be a reminder of me with you."

Sunghoon beams.

Seung smiled seeing the two, it reminded her of herself back then along with her supposed-to-be lover Jihyo.


They looked at the voice to see Chan with Han.

"Chan, hey!"

Tzuyu excitedly went towards Chan and bragged about her new gun holders.

"Now that you reminded me of that, I have a gift for you tzu! I made these myself..."

Tzuyu gasped loudly making Rin's eyes widen seeing how much Tzuyu loves guns

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Tzuyu gasped loudly making Rin's eyes widen seeing how much Tzuyu loves guns.

The tall girl grabs it delicately in her hands as she looked at Chan.

"Marry Rin Unnie. Now."

Sunghoon laughed hearing what he just heard as Ji-Sun shook her head when she saw Chan and Rin blush.

"Well anyways!"

Chan chuckled as he gave Seung a Cape that she can use to hide her wings which she appreciates, and Ryujin a saber to test out her speed.

"These are mushrooms from different tribes, I hope you make something that can cure all diseases Ji-Sun."

The muscular man gave the bag to Ji-Sun who nodded.

"New kitchen knives for the chef."

Shuhua happily grabs it and gave him a wide grin.

"Yongsun Noona, this a--"

"Metal mixed with leather arm gloves, this can be used when you use thunder magic."

Yongsun chuckled.

"And here..."

Chan smiled giving something to Rin.

Chan smiled giving something to Rin

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"Yours is the moon, mine the sun. I think of you every night in my dreams, you think of me in the days of your adventures. This is a promise ring that I'll always come back to you, and that you are my missing piece. Everywhere we go, the rings will showcase my love for you."

Seung covered her mouth as Tzuyu gasped again.


Shuhua chuckled as Ryujin nudged her.

Yongsun laughs softly as Ji-Sun cooed while sunghoon smiled, the Mixx crew was fangirling.


Chan grabs Rin's hand softly and pushed the moon ring into Rin's ring finger.

"Okay, quit it lovebirds. We have a mission."

Tzuyu rolled her eyes as everyone laughed.


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CC: Cosmic Chaos (SEASON 5)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora