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Lylah J.

I stayed the night at the mansion since I was too tired to drive back home.

I slept with Mateo but we didn't do anything but talk. He wants us to move together to a house that's not filled with everyone

I told him we can just stay at my apartment but he said we can for now but he's not used to small spaces like that and he might freak out

Spoiled rich

Earlier today Elena told me she's not mad about the situation just surprised and she wishes we would've taken better precautions

I would understand if she was mad because I know I would be mad if I was in her shoes

But she's excited nevertheless

Mateo is taking a nap right now and I'm in the kitchen eating strawberries

"Hey love" I turn my head to see that it's Desarea "Hey" I say dryly

"Look, I understand if you're still mad but I didn't want to be the bearer of bad news and I had to work up the courage to tell you" I frown

"What fucking courage" I ask confused asf "The courage to break your heat again" I roll my eyes "You not telling me is what hurt the most"

"But he didn't cheat"

"Yeah and I found that out yesterday but fuck that we've known eachother for years and you had the audacity to hide that from me! You and Novah" I say getting mad

"Listen I'm not trying to argue, when Novah found out and showed me I wanted to tell you but she said not to. That night when I was ready to tell you I had to force her" she says making me even more mad

"So Novah didn't want to tell me at all" I say my voice raising. Desarea sighs "Listen she was really sad when you left her and Paxton left the house for 3 weeks and-"

"No it's fine. I forgive you guys, it doesn't even matter" I say grabbing my strawberries and walking up the stairs

More like wobbling

As I open my old room door I see Mateo sitting there with his head in his hands

He looks up at me when I close the door "Are you okay" he asks

I nod and take a seat next to him. "I really wish things weren't the way they are" I sigh

"I'm sorry" he says rubbing my belly

If Mateo would've told me what happened right after he got out of his coma then none of this would've happened. He could've been with me throughout my pregnancy, I could've still lived here and everyone wouldn't be so tense

"It's okay. I just have to forgive and move on" I say looking down at my stomach

"Do you forgive me" he asks looking at me

I look down "I mean you didn't do anything" I say "Yeah but I didn't tell you either" he says and I shrug

"It doesn't even matter anymore"

I'm honestly over everything at this point. I'll forgive everyone and move on

That doesn't mean I'll forget

"What do you mean" Mateo asks me making me look up at him

"I'm sick of the arguing and fighting with everyone. I mean I've only been back a day and I'm stressed out about how everyone is so tense around me. I walk into a room and the conversation dies like I'll get mad when they say the wrong thing" i exclaim taking a break to catch my breath

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