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Lylah W.

I hate my life right now. I'm literally sick as fuck and I feel like I'm gonna die

I called my doctor and she told me I probably have the flu. I'm so sick that I couldn't even go in because of my lack of energy so she pushed my appointment ti the next week which is today

My stomach has been cramping because I'm about ti start my period. Not only that, I have a cough and runny nose and my throat hurts and so does my head

I've had a migraine for 3 days now and I literally want to kill myself

I can't even eat anything how bad it is

Mateo has been trying to help but he's starting to get annoying

He's always in my space, breathing down my neck asking if I'm okay 24/7

I be wanting to punch him but I can't

I honestly think he's sex deprived because we haven't had sex since last month and that was the day he left for that business trip

Right now I'm watching tv with Arlo. He's fast asleep on my stomach right now. I don't know why he likes to sleep there now cause he never did before

I'm supposed to be going to Kroger right now to get my medicine but I don't feel like it

My phone starts ringing so I pause my tv and pick it up

It's a FaceTime video from Mateo

"Hello" I say when I answer "Hey what are you doing beautiful" I smile

"Nothing just watching tv with Arlo but he fell asleep on me" he laughs "I was calling to see if you finished the laundry" I nod my head. I was washing clothes earlier

"Yeah I put your clothes in your room why?" I ask "Me, Jeremiah and Paxton are going out for drinks later and the pants I want to wear were in that load" he explains and I nod my head

"Yeah they're clean"

He tells me he's on his way home and that he'll see me in a minute. We say I love you before hanging up and I go back to watching tv


I wake up feeling someone shake me. I look up and see that it's Mateo. He's fully dressed and his hair is all over his head but not at the same time

"I'm leaving now" he says making me sit up and frown "Wait huh" he laughs

"You've been sleep for about 3 hours" I look at the time and see that it's 7 pm "Oh I didn't even know I feel asleep"

He kisses my lips and before he can pull away I hold him close "You smell so good" I say and he takes a deep breath "You better get off of me or you'll be unable to walk for the next 3 days" I laugh but let go of him

"Now I have to wait until this goes down" he says and I look at his print that's super ducking noticeable

"You're really hard right now" I laugh and takes a seat on my bed "You shouldn't have whispered in my ear" he says defensively

After about 10 minutes he leaves and I lay back down

I don't know how long I'm laying there when Novah and Desarea come into my room

"Wanna watch movies" Novah says and I nod

We head downstairs and sit on the couch next to each other

"Can we please watch Disney movies" I ask hoping they give in

"No Lylah" Desarea says annoyed "You're such a child who still watches Disney movies" Novah asks laughing

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