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Lylah W.

One month. It's been exactly one month since my whole life went to shit and 4 months with my boyfriend.

Yes I know. So fucking lucky of me to have my mom die on my 3 month anniversary with Jeremiah

I miss her. I really fucking miss her. Living with my biological dad and his girlfriend had been absolute hell. I hate it here

My mom and bio dad split when I was 3 because my dad chose his mafia over his family as in he was never home like ever and it got to much for my mom

Obviously my bio dad started dating again and now he's with some evil bitch named Samantha.

She thinks she's my mom and I tell her all the time she's not. She doesn't even let my boyfriend come over because "no baby making in my house" like bitch

Me and Junior haven't even had sex yet. I feel like it's too soon and plus we're always arguing and he even says he doesn't sees us lasting so why would I give my virginity to someone I'm not lasting with

My mom loved Junior because of how he treats me. Well used to. He used to take me on dates get all kinds of gifts and shit like that but now he's to busy with football and life

Don't get me wrong I love my boyfriend but I don't think I'm in love with him anymore

"LYLAH COME DOWN HERE" I hear my bio dad yell. Me and my real dad don't have the best relationship but he tries

I get up from my desk and walk downstairs to the kitchen. My dad is in there with Samatha and they're seated

"Yes" I ask confused. He points to the seat across from him and I sit as he starts to talk "You never told me your mom put you in a private school" I sigh

"It's nothing I'm just passed everyone in my grade so she signed me up there. Me and my friends are going on a tour next week"

He nods and looks at the schools brochure "How did she pay for this" he asks making me roll my eyes

Just because you left us in the dirt doesn't mean my mom didn't have her shit together

"My mom wasn't broke, her and my dad paid for it together" Carlos, my bio dad, looks at me shocked.

"What did you just call that man" he says referring to my moms boyfriend of 13 years

"He's my dad and has been for the past 13 years" I say confused. Carlos never cared about me calling Zion dad before.

"How dare you disrespect me like that" he says in a stern tone. I get it now. Samathas here so he wants to act hard

"How is it disrespectful" he stares at me like um stupid "Go to your room" I frown but walk away anyways

"I told you she's a brat" I hear Samathas bitch ass say as I leave

"And you're a bitch"

I hate the state Zions in right now. He's gotten really depressed over my moms death me and him both but he took it harder

He attempted the day after and the courts made me move in with my bio dad because of it. They gave Carlos full custody over me and I hate it

Everyday Junior takes me to go see my dad and that's the only thing I've been looking forward to.

Ever since my moms death everyone has been treating me like china glass. Say one wrong thing to me and I break which is true but I don't show it.

I take antidepressants so it keeps me okay throughout the day but at night, it hits me the worse. I've been having breakdowns after breakdowns and it's starting to happen in the day too

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