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Lylah W.

3 days. It's been 3 days since I've slept. 3 days since I ate. 3 days since I was happy. 3 days since Mateo got shot and 3 days. 3 days since Mateo has been in a coma

No one knows when he'll wake up. Not me, not the doctors, not his parents, no one

I can't stop crying. I can't stop shaking. My heart won't stop beating fast. It feels how I felt when my mom died but this time around it's even worse

Because I know Mateo is still alive, but I don't know how long he'll stay alive

The nurse said he's getting better and better but I don't believe her because why hasn't he woke up? Why aren't we at home talking shot to each other? Why is he laying here looking dead?

His whole body is pale

Elena flew down here a couple of days ago but she barely has time to see him because she's been arguing with Luca the whole time

She blames him for this because he knows Mateo just got out of training and she feels he shouldn't have made him go on a dangerous mission like that

Everyone is at the house and somehow they figured out the we were part of the mafia but they don't give a fuck for some reason

They come by to check on me and bring me food but I honestly don't want to be near anyone right now

All I want is for Mateo to wake up and we all be happy again

Jeremiah is taking it as bad as me. Him and Desarea keep fighting cause he's taking his anger out on her which I don't think is fair

I've been to the house but that's only to shower and then I come right back here

Zion got discharged from the mental hospital a week ago. He didn't tell me because Mateo told him how I felt about him trying to kill himself

He didn't know how to talk to me

I honestly don't know how to feel about this whole situation. I feel like I want to just sink into the ground and never come back up

"Are you ready" a nurse asks when she walks in and I nod

I had a doctors appointment somewhere else but I switched it to here

We walk into a room and she does the usual checkup

She tells me that I'm dehydrated and I need to eat and drink more or I'm gonna develop an eating disorder

She puts the thing around my arm to check my blood pressure and when she's done she gives me a weird look

"Your blood pressure is super high" she says concerned and I just look at her not knowing what to do with that information

"We need to take a blood test" she tells me and I nod

After she's done asking me a shit ton of questions she takes me to another room with another doctor

They do the blood test and the needle makes me feel like I'm gonna faint

He hands me a cup of water when he finishes and I chug the whole thing as he leaves

After about 10 minutes he comes back with some results

"Okay so you have high blood pressure and high stress levels which is causing the HBP. You're only 17 what's going on?" He asks as he takes a seat

I shrug "Just a lot going on right now" I say as my dad walks in

He kisses my forehead and nods at the doctor "Sorry I'm late, what's going on?" He asks

"It's fine, but your daughter has HBP and high stress levels and I was asking her about it" my dad nods at the doctors words

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