"The man with whom I talked earli-". He was unable to complete the sentence as his phone ringed and the caller is Jungkook. Without sparing any second He hit onto the green button.


"Hello, Is it Mr. Kim?" His smile curled downwards as the person on other line is not his lover.

"Yes. Where's Jungkook?"

"Mr. Kim, I am his secretary. He fainted infront of the orphanage gate. So we brought him here to the hospital."Tae widened his eyes out of shock.

"Which hospital?"

"Seoul life hospital sir."Tae cut the call and ran to the bus stop. He have no time to wipe his tears and to care about people who are looking at him awkwardy.

"Can you say the room number of Jungkook?He admitted today morning."

"Let me check madam."She noded and patiently waited.

"Room no. 72."She again noded and smiled in gratitude before pushing herself towards the room fron her wheelchair.

Taehyung now have no end to his crying. He felt like he lost as a lover. He felt guilty eventhough he did nothing. He never wanted to hurt Jungkook in this process but he ended up doing exactly the same thing.Taehyung placed a soft kiss on Jungkook's hand and continued to hold it as he did for earlier 30 minutes.Suddenely the door opened and Tae stood up thinking that it is doctor but it is a person he don't want to see at least for now.Jungkook is still asleep as doctors said that he wanted to gain energy and rest.

"Is he okay now?"She asked.

"Who told you about this?"Tae asked.

"His secretary. He earlier told me that he is going to get Hiro from school so as now they can't they informed me."Jieun said.Tae noded lightly and said

"You know we both are not in good terms with each other.So I can't-"

"No it's okay. Hiro told me that you two are not in good terms. I just wanted to say that don't do this to him."Taehyung frowned at this statement. He don't want Jieun to teach him how to deal with Jungkook.

"You should not worry."Tae said.

"I will take care of it."This time Jieun noded.She turned back to go as the atmosphere is too tensed.

"I will go and Taehyung , about the incident happened with my relatives. I solved it. They know who you are."Tae didn't said anything and Jieun left. Tae plopped onto the seat and muttered

"Am I cruel ?"

Jungkook woke up after his one hour sleep and the first thing he saw is Tae's worried face. But Taehyung detached himself from Jungkook as he saw Jungkook opening his eyes and called the doctor.

"Jungkook you don't have to worry. It is not serious. You are exhausted due to sleeplessness and lack of food. Just take a leave and rest maximum and definitely eat heathy food to regain energy."Doctor said and left after saying that they can go home now. Jungkook looked upto Tae as soon as doctor went. Taehyung paniked when Jungkook looked upto him as he got caught staring.

"You came?!!"Jungkook said excitedly.

"I will go now."Tae said instantly.

"Aren't you going to comeback now?"Jungkook asked with a slight pout. He literally dreamed how he is going to cuddele with Tae tonight.

"Why?"Taehyung asked looking at his phone.

"Okay. Wait. I will drop you. We are also going now."Jungkook said hiding his hurt.Taehyung regreted what he told as soon as he saw how Jungkook's bright eyes turned dull.

It is raining outside so Taehyung thought it is good to go with them.Three of them including secretary entered to the car and as soon as he sat Jungkook felt asleep. Seems like he is exhausted so bady.

"I bet he didn't eat for two days."Secretary said while a wave of guilt passed through Tae's body.

Jungkook again woke up from sleep and gasped as he couldn't identify where is he. But later on he sensed that it is their own room. Jungkook smiled as soon as he remembered Tae but sighed in return remembering the latest encounter.He turned the other side and his eyes met with a familiar luggage. He excitedly sit back and thought for a moment. As soon as he got a certain idea and ran downstairs throwing his triedness to grabage bin.In downfloor he heard giggling voices and he know to whom they belonged. Jungkook walked towards the sound and saw Taehyung who is taking selfies with the piano sometimes touching it cautiously. Jungkook smiled at the cute sight as he know Tae is more prefer to be with a piano than playing it.

Taehyung saw Jungkook looking at him when he tried to take a photo in different angle. Jungkook don't want to ask did he like it because answer for it is crystal clear.

"I will go now."Tae said hiding his smile.

"When the luggage is here "Jungkook asked with a smirk.Taehyung doesn't know how to reply so he ran outside but stopped as it is raining.

"You can't escape now baby."Jungkook again said cockily.

"Try me."Tae said and ran into the rain.Jungkook gasped at the Tae's movement and yelled

"Do you want to get cold? Come here now."

"Try you bunny face."Tae said with a playful grin.Jungkook suddenely held his head and knelt down  side eyeing Tae who is shocked and running towards him.As soon as Tae came closer Jungkook grabbed him by his waist and pushed into the wall in the house.

"Yaahhh.."Tae tried to hit Jungkook on his chest for fooling him but Jungkook grabbef his two arms and held it above his head pressing them into wall. Jungkook leaned towards Tae making him flushed in red.

"Let me go Jungkook. I am wet."Tae mumbled.

"Then I will take care."Jungkook whispered into Tae's ear and licked his earlobe. Tae closed his eyes in pleasure while giving him more access.Then Jungkook looked at Tae in his eyes and lips and placed his lips on Tae's without pressing.

"You know what Hiro told me?"Jungkook asked ghosting over Tae's lips. Jungkook's breath entered into his mouth as lips of both of them are slightly parted. Taehyung moaned over the hot breath and shaked his head.Jungkook smiled and removed strands of hair on Tae's forhead and pressed Taehyung more into the wall.

"She told me to kiss and make up."

"Then why are you waiting?"


Long chapter to make it upto you.
I can smell it.....smell of SMUT.

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