Chapter 22 - Homecoming

Start from the beginning

Now we were on our way to LAX after Dr. Moore assured us everything was looking okay, calming down my anxiety a bit.

Michael and I also talked about what we were doing with the fact that Jake is coming home. And we decided that it's best only the two of us know, and Javon, along with a couple more bodyguards. We agreed we'd let my ex-husband stay at the guest house, far from the kids who might discover him.

"Mike," I smiled. "Can I have my hand back?"

"Huh? Yeah, sorry." my husband mumbled, letting go of my hand.

I scooted closer to him and pulled him in for a hug. "Relax, okay? He's the same Jake. Except for some gray hairs, he's the same Jake you remember."

"What if Lily and Eric find out sooner, though? The ranch isn't that big..." he sighed into my shoulder.

I rolled my eyes. It's just his nerves talking.

"If they do, we'll tell them. But for now we have a plan, and we're gonna stick with it." I pulled away from the hug so I could place a kiss on his lips.

He eased into it slightly, and his hand cupped my cheek.

Javon cleared his throat, "We're five minutes away."

Michael sighed, placing one last kiss on my lips before I could see the big LAX sign.

Here we go.


Jake: I dragged my duffle bag through the LAX waiting lounge, looking around and hoping to spot Michael and Angela.

After a few minutes, I gave up. I took my phone out to call her, and saw that Kim texted me.

"Hi, soldier! It's Kimberly (but you can call me Kim). Was great meeting you... Call me soon."

Smiling to myself, I suddenly felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Jake Parker?" turning around, I saw a tall suited man.


"I'm Javon, Mr. Jackson's head of security."

I shook his hand. "Where are they?"

"Mr. and Mrs. Jackson thought it would be safer if they stayed in the car," he explained. "It's too crowded for them to be out here."

"Right." I nodded, and he led me to the elevators.

Javon's eyes scanned me, then he shook his head.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing. It's not my place to say anything. I'm just here to do my job." he answered.

"How long have you worked for Mike?"

"I think it was right before the trial...He hired me as his personal bodyguard at first, then when he and Angela- I mean, Mrs. Jackson, got married, I was promoted as head of security."

I raised an eyebrow at the fact that he called Angela by her first name. I knew how strict Mike was when it came to his staff respecting him and his family. Even when I used to come over I was always addressed as 'Mr. Parker'.

It was quiet when the elevator door opened and the bodyguard took me through the parking lot until I could see a big black SUV.

Javon knocked on the back door as I took in a deep breath.

Another bodyguard sat in the middle seat, while Angela and Michael were in the very back. They were holding hands, Michael had his other one on Angela's knee. Both of them immediately got out of the car, never letting go of each other's hand.

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