"Don't pretend like you know me. You lost that right." Ezra struggled to look at him. Had he been spying on him?

Othrowan's smile faded. "I did what I had to do."

"You ruined my life to save your reputation."

"The angels reputation. Humans were losing trust in us, surely you can understand that even a little."

"So, you destroy the life of one of your own because you were too afraid of admitting that you didn't know what really happened."

"I haven't destroyed your life."

Ezra scoffed and crossed his arms to hide his tight fists. "Whatever you're up to, stay away from Tom."

"I saved him."

"Right, and what were you doing there again?"

Othrowan stared emotionless for a while. "I was following Gerry Hound."


"He was drunk and disorderly. I needed to make sure he didn't cause trouble. I knew that if he went to the pub, he would cause trouble, and that's the last thing you needed."

"So you waited until he beat the shit out of Tom to do something?" Ezra shook his head, stepping back when his anger started rising. "You're lying. What are you up to?"

"Angel duties, which don't concern you anymore," Othrowan said quietly. "Ezrakhell, I'm glad you have returned, but be careful."

"Is that a threat?" he asked.

"No, it's a warning." Othrowan bowed his head and turned to leave, but Ezra wasn't done with him yet.

"What do you mean?"

"Get some sleep, Ezrakhell."

"Hey!" He grabbed the sleeve of Othrowan's robe, staring down at him. His height, nor his presence intimidated him. "Are the rumours true about another angel being punished for something they didn't do?"

Othrowan gently removed Ezra's hand from his arm. "I am done talking to you. The hour is late, go and rest."

"I'm not done yet!" Ezra yelled, standing in front of him. "Are the rumours true?"

"Is that why you have returned to Wileshire? Because of these rumours?"


Othrowan smiled. "You cannot undo the past. I know you're still hurting from what happened, but it had to be done, for the sake of the peace. Someone had to be held accountable, and I'm sorry that was you and not who really committed those murders."

"Even after all this time, you never found out who did it?"

"If I had, you wouldn't still be a demon." Othrowan patted Ezra's shoulder. "I'm sorry, but life is unfair."

"No, you have made this unfair."

"And what about those poor women who were murdered? They haven't got their justice either."

Ezra tensed when he had an overwhelming urge to hit him. "If you had even bothered to try and find the murderer, they would have gotten their justice, and I wouldn't have lived the last one hundred years in pain."

"And you wouldn't have met Thomas O'Connell."

Ezra sighed, knowing that no matter how long they talked about the past, or how many insincere apologies Othrowan gave him, nothing would bring him closure. "Even after all this time, you can't just turn me back? All the humans who didn't trust you are dead. This is way beyond unfair."

"I'm sorry, Ezrakhell."

When Othrowan left, Ezra returned to Tom's bedroom.

The room was dark, silent and still. Tom still slept in the same position Ezra left him in. His soft sleeping face was all Ezra needed to calm down. He took off his shoes and slipped into bed beside him. The movement pulled Tom from a deep sleep. Though he didn't wake completely.

He turned and buried his face into Ezra's chest. The bruises on his face woke him up. Tom sucked in a sharp breath, quickly lifting his head.

Ezra didn't say anything. He gently turned Tom around and hugged him from behind, so he knew he was safe, and could fall asleep in his arms.

"Where did you go?" Tom whispered sleepily.

"To see Othrowan."

Tom slightly turned his head. "Are you okay?"

"I am now." Ezra kissed his temple, something he never thought he would do to a human.

Lying in bed, hugging a human was something he never thought he would do. Kissing Tom was something he never thought he would do. He had thought about it from the moment Tom showed slight interest in him, but it was simply a distant fantasy.

The first time he had seen Tom behind the bar, and the way Tom had treated him like he was any other customer would never be forgotten.

He would never forget the tension in the library, and the way he struggled to supress how badly he wanted to kiss him. He would never forget the feeling of Tom's lips against his, and how he had lost himself in the feeling of another.

The worst part about falling victim to his feelings was that a heartfelt goodbye was stewing in his future. Tom would grow old much quicker than him, and losing him, even after not knowing each other for longer than a few months, would destroy him.

Ezra scrunched his eyes shut and held Tom tighter. He had committed to the sorrow the moment they kissed. Still, now that he had him, it made losing him even more terrifying.

Tom moved against his chest. Ezra pulled his mind to the present, and focused on the feel of their bodies moulded together. One day he would say goodbye, but that wasn't now. Tom was young, and bright, and full of optimism and hope. Ezra had to cherish it all while he was lucky enough to have it. 

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