chapter 56: you're supposed to be dead.

Start from the beginning

Fair, I mean that's all it is right? that's how love works. You just tell them and if it's true, then there might be a chance you'll end up happy with each other forever.

But the key word was if it's true.

I let out a sharp breath. "this is so hard." I whined. Darvn patted my shoulder.

"let's just let it sit in your mind for awhile, when you're ready for it, you can tell him." Darvyn reassured me and I nodded.


I walked up the stairs to the hall. Was it even true? That he was going to tell me how he feels?

I shudder at the thought. I must be delusional. It was a long shot that Legolas would even want me, I'm jut his best friend of two thousand years. He probably has never even thought of me being anything more.

Besides, he could have anyone he wants. Beautiful elf maidens, nobles, other princesses, maybe even a human if he loved her so much. Or he's already engaged, betrothed to someone by Thranduil's arrangements.

Oh hell why am I even contemplating about this shit? I'm a pirate. I don't have time for things like this.

This is what happens when I stay sober for too long. Too much sappy thoughts in my stupid brain.

I need a bath. Yeah that's what would make me clear my head. Probably even make me forget about all this.

I reach the top of the stairs, suddenly hearing Legolas whisper frantically to Aragorn.

"He's here."

Legolas turned to me, a terrified look on his face. Without asking, I already know who he was talking about.

The three of us ran inside, running through all the rooms and corridors that decorated the big hall in Edoras before we could reach their room. And when we did, Pippin was screeching and lying on his back while a glowing orb is glued to his fingers.

I rush to Pippin's side. Taking the palantir from his hands without thinking.

And oh how stupid of a decision that was.

The orb disintegrated, my hands were pulled to my back. In something cold, wet with something that smells familiar. I tug at it, trying to get myself free.

My breath hitches as I realize.

It was chains.

There was blood. That was the familiar smell. I was soaked in it, hell the entire place was covered in the red liquid.

My hair was longer, dripping down to my ribs as it had years ago. I was changed out of my dress, instead I was wearing my armour, the hole at my back still exposed and ripped. My back was soaked with blood, the scars from my time reopened. With another new addition.

I got on my feet, but was shoved down as I try. A booming voice appeared in the open field, a tall black figure stood straight with his helmet covering his face. A golden ring on his finger.

"Join us. Abandon them. You have a mighty ship at your command. Summon them and join me, and we will sail and explore the seas freely as you wish." a guttural voice spoke, a hand extended to me.

"you fucker. You won't win, you'll rot and die just as you did when isildur cut off your hand." I grinned. "And I'll be enjoying every minute of it."

He stared at me, unmoving then turned away.

I release a heavy sigh, tugging at my unchained fingers. But my relief washed away as soon as the scenery changed into a battlefield. A battlefield in front of minas tirith.

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