Chapter 10: Dancing with the devil

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That must be the almighty Bornstein, A Canadian multi-billionaire.

I’ve heard a lot about him especially when he was still a certified play boy which made me wonder how Cassandra got to tame him. I looked at both of them simultaneously, I watched how they hugged each other lovingly with a searing kiss.

I think they must have forgotten I’m still here with them so I tried to excuse myself but Cassie held me back breaking the kiss gently has the husband rubbed his hair like someone frustrated of sex.

“Darling meet Bianca, my favorite girl”  she smiled brightly resting her hands on his shoulder “Bianca meet my husband Enrique Bornstein” she added then he smiled offering his hand for an handshake.

“Hi, it’s nice to meet you. My wife said a lot about you” he said as I turned to Cassie with a ‘start explaining’ look then she smiled.

“Trust me they’re good things” she said and smiled

“Alright dear I’m happy to see you, and I’ll love to meet with you again” she said and hugged me before leaving with her husband

I went back to the bar stand and ordered for a Whiskey... I settled for the seat there because a lot was on my mind just then I felt a hand on my waist trying to pull me up… it’s Zeus.

“Hello beautiful” he said with a bright smile... I forced back a smile... I wasn’t just in the mood.

“What’s with the face? It’s seems there’s a lot on your mind” he said trying to study me as I shook my head with a smile.

“No, I’m fine” I took another gulp of whiskey.

He collected the rest from me and placed it afar.

“For you to be taking whiskey tells a lot that there’s something wrong but you’re afraid to share it with the world” he said holding my hands as he gently ushered me up from the seat as he took me to the dance floor.

A slow music was playing HELLO by Adele.  The lyrics was deep as I was trying my possible best to divert my attention away from the song but it was hard as I felt tears rolling down my face.

I tried to wipe it off but I got caught already by Zeus as he gently remove my hands from my face

“It’s okay to let it out” he said trying to wipe my tears away with his palms just then a hand yanked his hand away from my face forcefully. It happened so fast.

Stefano’s pov

I was shocked to see her at the Gala. I know I shouldn’t be but still I was.

I was dancing forcefully with a model and thankfully we got to switch, I wanted to leave the stage but something held me back...

Immediately the skin brushed against mine... Something stirred up within me ...

She was the one...the woman I hate to even mention her name and when I held her, I felt the strong connection and it rare because only her makes me feel that way.  I couldn’t help but draw her nearer because she was still beautiful like before infact more beautiful like a goddess.

I was mesmerized with everything.

Her beautiful long flaming red hair matching with her red attire that hugs her figure perfectly.

Her ocean blue eyes that reminds me of Adriatic sea where I first met her.

She was still the same only that she’s more matured and definitely more beautiful.

Her eyes caught with mine but was fast to avert it away so I controlled myself and released her from the tight grip.

“What are you doing here?” I asked in a sharp voice remembering everything she had done to me at the past.

She shut her eyes and it only took God’s grace not to kiss her because her lip were lusciously red and tempting. I wanted to taste her again, the urge was really strong but no I can’t. “ Do you think I’m going to kiss someone like you?”  I knew she was furious and hurt but that didn’t compare to what she did to me at the past.

She forcefully pulled herself away from me and left.

I don’t know why I’m also mad or feeling bad for talking to her that way.

I shouldn’t care right? I went towards the VIP section for a drink. I needed something to cool me down or even divert my mind away from her.

I sat on the cushion there, some ladies who I think are models came to my side to entertain me.

I should be excited but hell no I was irritated.

I pulled one of them to my laps to make out  but still I wasn’t feeling the fun in it. I could not help but think about her.

I gently pulled them away to get more Vodka for myself.  I sat at the bar stand instead as my eyes roamed everywhere at the Gala then I felt a hand again touching me from the back.

I shut my eyes briefly...this girls can’t just give me a breathing space for a second. I opened my eyes, it landed on something.

I mean on someone who I hate to see again dancing with one of my employees at the office.

I watched how he rested his hands on her waist, I don’t know why but something abhorred in me as I became furious at the sight. I couldn’t take it anymore when I felt him touched her face like he was going to kiss her so I acted fast dropping the bottle of Vodka and leaving the girl with me to the dance floor. I don’t know why I’m doing this but here I am on the dance floor.

I tried to stop and go back but I couldn’t. I yanked the man’s hand who happened to be Mr. Molotov away from her face and pulled her away abruptly.

Her eyes fell with surprise and the man was shocked.

“What the hell man!” he said furiously trying to maintain his calmness.

“What the hell are you doing with my interim’s face? huh? Trying to take advantage of her cause she’s new here?” I spat furiously

“And what does that have to do with you? The last time I checked I am not at the place of work so it’s not supposed to affect you at all” she fired at me. I was taken aback for a moment. She’s right. I don’t even know why I’m doing this.

“You think this affect me?” I laughed and placed my hands in my pocket before I turned back to her. “ Don't’t forget you came all the way from New York because of HAY Group so if anything goes wrong who do you think will be put to blame? This is work so don’t think I care because I don’t!” I cafed and I saw her eyes welled up with tears. I couldn’t watch it so I turned to Mr. Molotov “And if you know her, you’ll stay away from her” I said and pulled her away from the dance floor to an open end.

“Let me go” she yelled as I left her abruptly as she almost lost her balance, I wanted to keep her steady from falling but my hands freeze in the air and thank God she regained her balance quickly.

“What’s wrong with you?” she said barely audible. I knew she was hurt. I should be happy right? but one part of me is still feeling bad.

“Or what’s wrong with you? Hurting me wasn’t enough? Now you want to destroy him too? What kind of whore are you?” I spat at her and immediately I regretted saying that as I felt a burning hit on my face. she slapped me.

I should be furious but I felt bad for saying that to her. I wanted to apologize but I could not even bring myself to do that.

“I-I can take anything you-you say to me but….. not a whore” she managed to say trying to control her tears. I'm supposed to be happy but right now, I feel horrible and I hate it as I glanced at her irately.

“Stay away from my sight”

It's a lovely day guys ... I was really admonished at the April fool my guy friend did to me😂...  So how was your own day? Feel free to share with us...

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Love you, Ria🍒

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