Part 2: Truly Great Individuals

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It is another day (for my time zone) and if feel a real connection to the true great man/ woman. Truly great men and woman are individuals who care about the growth of great ideas or growth through hard triumphs, these triumphs may be small like starting a social group of likeminded individuals or getting that promotion without fowl play. It may also come with the growth of big herculean tasks like any athlete who does not use darker methods to get ahead or praises of great strength, one very common great task that proves the great individuals spirit is the proper and effective raising of children and disabled. Great individuals are not ran by the ego of the praise that comes from wealth of money, this may be because they know that the greatest trade of wealth is the trade of the wealth of emotion, emotion is one of the most lucrative skills in both that of the material wealth and that of the emotional wealth. I would say also that I am not a great man myself however I would like to be one and I try my best to become one and this is already the first step, the second step maybe is to find a task you want to complete and reach it, there are other posable step 2 paths that can be followed, for example this may be to repetitively improve oneself endlessly and than see what is reachable within your strengths, this option is the opposite to that of a goal and also maybe more effective and a more efficient method for success, the best word I could think of to describe the self-improvement technique is the Japanese word kaizen what roughly translates into "continuous self improvement" I like how this relates to the idea of a great individual, however this has a fundamental error, great individuals also know others means and capabilities and work around them and know when to take a rest they also know when to hold back the pressure on individuals and control it and change the frame of mind so that it is ok to have stress and it is not wise to let stress rule you and also others. A great individual will celebrate victories and help keep the spirt through loss. In order to understand these great individuals you must understand the in the shoes of those they are role models for, for example these great men are seen as saviors and not toxic sympathizers. A person can be lifted in sprit when that needed individual comes in the place of this great individual they will give charity of emotional wealth without expecting a reward, these occasions may come in the form of a when an individual made a simple mistake with massive consequences. For example an extreme operation is needed and there are a myriad of simple life threatening mistakes that could end the life of the individual on the operating table, if a great individual was one of these tragedies if they could respond to this mistake, they may say

"I have never worn the shoes of my doctor, although I have fallen I will stand as a reason for improvement for those who come after me on this table. I am no hero I have never carried the weight of life on my shoulders every day of work I have only held burdens that I could carry. No one can carry the burden of life without true strength and nobody can thank doctors enough for there strength. I hope that those around these heroes don't take their gift of heroes for granted"

This was the word and epitaph of the spirit of the great individuals, they may say this as they would to other heroes such as a fire fighter. Great individuals are not all heroes, however they are the role models for there success, great individuals are great at reading characters of other individuals, they may be the first to figure out the bad guys however they are the last to take aggression, these individuals are authoritative as to a child who acts up, they will outline rules for behavior clearly and will disclose violations without making it a parade over the violation, they may only ask why it is that they behave and after there reply they will than follow up not by telling how they should act but will ask are you benefiting by acting up? And suggest the benefits of brining passion back into there actions and to live up to there own standard. These great individuals are rare and they must be praised through conviction to the great and emotionally mature and not through flattery and parses that don't hold any conviction. These great individuals are not the same as those you see on TV, tv is not where you should be looking for good people, good people work in the shadows when nobody is looking and where flattery can't be found, these individuals on tv who act "great" are usually working on there brand, they are usually only polite in the spotlight, and they will be acting up outside the spotlight, these individuals may have a sense that they must always be in the spotlight to keep being good because they cant find it in themselves to be good, the way to orientate oneself is to simply believe or to know as a fact that one can find the urge to be great in oneself. If one could not find the urge they will have nobody and those who they have are others with nobody and a need for someone to vent on and these vents may be a tv audience if they are lucky. We could however give the benefit of the doubt towards them because people who seem good on tv are possibly good when they are not seen however this could be said of any stranger and this is generally considered as gullibility when in public and so why not when there are strangers who are on tv or internet.

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