Chapter 12: Talk

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Kies POV

What the fuck actually just happened. Did JJ just like- admit he had feelings for me?? Technically he never said it, but I feel like that's what he was getting at. I don't know. I'm so confused.

When I got home, I put JJs shirt back on after my shower. I just wanted to be with him again. I want to talk to him, and hug him, and kiss him. He was all I could think about. The thought of what just happened gave me butterflies every time it crossed my mind.

He said we would talk tomorrow but I don't even know what to talk about really. I didn't think I wanted a relationship, but now.. I don't know. Oh but what would the others think. Should I tell Sarah we kissed again? I neeeed someone to talk to about this.

I went to sleep eventually, and when I woke up, I decided to text Sarah and invite her over. I had to tell someone.

When she got to my house, we hung out for a little while before I told her. We went outside on my dock and just sat there, talking and looking out at the water, Sitting down and leaning against a pylon.

"Sarah" I started

"Yea?" She responded as she looked down, putting beads on a string to make a bracelet.

"So you know how me and JJ kissed" I asked

"Haha yea, he actually talked to me about that the other day" Sarah said

"He did..?" I asked

"Yea, he basically just told me what you've already said" Sarah said

"What did he say" I asked

"That you guys didn't like each other like that, and it's not gonna happen again, bro" Sarah said, pretending to talk like JJ

i just laughed awkwardly

"What about it though" Sarah asked

"Uh- never mind" I said nervously

"Nooo, now you have to tell me" Sarah said

"I was- just gonna ask if he had said anything to you is all" I lied.

"Oh, well.. yea" she joked since she had already just told me that he did.

For some reason after she said that JJ had talked to her about it... it felt weird to tell her that we kissed again. I'm just so confused.

Eventually we went back inside and asked my parents if we could go to the chateau to hang out. They agreed and we got in my car and headed there.

We got to the chateau and saw pope and John b getting wood for a fire.

"Hey boys" we said and then made our way over to them

"Hey I didn't think you guys would be able to make it" John b said, giving Sarah a hug

"Yea, well, my parents love Sarah, so really as long as I'm with her, they don't really care where I go" I said.

"Your welcome" Sarah smirked

"Ha well it's only because they still think your some kook" I laughed

"Yes let them believe." Sarah joked "I'm innocent and perfect I swear"

We laughed and then me and Sarah went into the chateau to get a beer.

We came back out and JJ was there now too. I wasn't expecting him to be there so I was a little thrown off at first.

We weren't awkward or weird or anything we just both knew that we needed to talk, and that we just needed to find a good time to break away from everyone.

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