Chapter 10: Again

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Kies POV

After we said goodbye to each other, I went back home and took a shower.

Why was I putting his shirt on again? Why is this becoming an every-night thing? Why can't I stop thinking about him? Why do I think I'm falling for JJ Maybank.

I went to bed that night thinking about him. When I woke up I got ready for school again and left.

A week had past and it was the weekend now. Me and JJ agreed to keep it a secret and no one other than Sarah had found out. We also hadn't talked about it since that night at the chateau when he hugged me.

I won't lie, we did still flirt a lot at school, but for the most part everything was back to normal.

It was Friday night and I got a text from JJ. He asked if we could talk, and if I could come by his house. If I'm being honest, I didn't really trust myself. I told him my parents were still awake, and that we could talk tomorrow and he should meet me at the wreck.

That morning I went to work with my parents and started taking peoples order right away. I worked there from 8:00 to 4:00 and JJ never showed up. The whole day I was waiting on him to walk through the door, but he never did.

I checked my phone after work and he didn't text me either.

After work, I asked if I could go to the chateau and my parents agreed.

When I got there, JJ was already in the yard.

"Hey, jayj, I thought you were coming by the wreck today" I said once I met up with him in the yard.

"Oh, yea.. sorry" he said a little suspiciously "I got busy"

"That's fine" I said "what did you need to talk about"

"Uhm" he said, going back to putting logs in the fire pit "I forgot"

I just stood there and looked at him. How could he forget when it was so important that he would text me to drive to his house in the middle of the night.

"You forgot?" I asked, knowing I didn't believe him

"Yea" he said, and he looked at me "it wasn't that important anyways"

I could tell something was off, but decided to stop asking. I just went with it and we waited for it to get darker before lighting the fire.

We sat around the fire for a couple hours. We drank beer and talked about how much we were ready for summer.

JJ was acting so different though. He wasn't himself tonight. He was barley even talking to me and when he did it just wasn't the same. He also left early, which he NEVER does. He's always the last to leave.

When everyone started to get tired, I decided to leave as well. But i couldn't go home. I had to go talk to him. I had to make sure everything was okay.

I drove to JJs house and when I pulled up, he was already outside on his porch.

"Kie?" He said, opening the screen porch and walking to meet me.

"JJ, I think we need to talk" i said, meeting up with him in the yard. "What's going on?"

He didn't deny that anything was wrong at first, he just looked at me.

"Nothing" he said eventually, but I could tell he was lying.

"JJ your acting weird what's going on" I asked

He took a deep breath, taking his hat of and running his hand through his hair and looked away

"Can you just tell me what's wrong" I said as I noticed he was getting a little frustrated.

"How is it so easy for you" he blurted out, facing me again. "How can you just-"

He turned back around and started walking a couple steps and then turned back like he was pacing.

"Easy for me to what?" I asked, getting a little defensive since he seemed like he was getting angry at me.

"Pretend like" JJ said, walking back up to me and looking at me. "Like.."

I could tell he was having a hard time saying something, I just didn't know what.

"Like what?" I asked and his voice got quieter and he got closer to me.

"Come on, kie" he said like it should have been obvious to me, tilting his head a little.

I got chills down my whole body when i realized what he could have been talking about. I was frozen, I didn't know how to talk or even what to say.

My breathing got heavier the closer he got to me. His was too.

"Don't act like you don't notice it" he said quietly. He was standing so close to me at this point, I literally couldn't think.

When I noticed him look down at my lips, I panicked a little inside. My breathing got a lot heavier.

"Can you honestly tell me" he said, looking back up at my eyes "that you don't feel it at all?"

I had no idea he felt this way. He started to lean in a little.

"If I'm wrong just tell me" he said, his voice getting softer and I could tell he was as nervous as I was.

"JJ.." I said, feeling my heart race. We just looked at each other for a minute

"Tell me not to" he said, slowly putting his hand on my waist. He wet his lips and was breathing heavy. "And I won't"

I didn't say anything. I couldn't say anything. I just looked into his eyes as he stepped closer.

"I-" i said nervously. My eyes kept bouncing from his lips back up to his eyes. I didn't say anything.

He started moving in closer, and I didn't move. I put my hand on his chest. Our lips were inches apart while he was waiting to see if I would tell him to stop. But I didn't.

He closed his eyes, and moved in closer. We danced around the idea for a second, building the already strong tension. His face was so close to mine. I slowly wrapped my arms around his neck before our lips met and he pressed them together and I instantly felt better.

We parted our lips and then came back in. He slid his other hand up to my face and kept it there. Shortly after, he slid his tongue into my mouth and we started to make out.

He was so passionate the way he kissed me. I was so relieved to be kissing him again. I had been wanting to do it ever since that first night, but I never thought it would happen again.

{eeeeeekkk thanks for reading!! Stay tuned<33 let me know what you think}

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