Chapter 6: Above the skies

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Jack wakes up the bottle, slightly filled with water. He looks around the house to know where he is at. Jack is in a huge, yellow house. It looks like a regular home, but normal. Upon coming into conciseness, he noticed he's in a kitchen. It's neatly clean.

After some thinking, he realizes he's in a bottle. At least the giant is kind enough to get him some water.

Jack can't help wonder why he's on a kitchen counter, even empty. The giant could've put him on a set or something.

After turning his head left, he sees someone in another bottle, just some distance away from his. She has a darker skin then most other people he'd seen. She has curly, poofy hair. She wears a purple long sleeved, some dark blue pants, and some socks. The shoes are in a different area in the bottle.

??????: I've tried escaping here multiple times. I'm starting to loose hope, which is something I never really do.

Jack thinks about knocking his bottle down. He steps back, runs and jumps against the walls.

??????: I always tried that. She always seemed to notice.

Jack thinks. Where is the giant? He needs to know so he can escape.

A half hour passes. He broke out of the bottle. The girl in the other bottle seems to get energized.

??????: That was amazing. Little guy is strong. Um... yeah.

Jack then quickly hides.

The giant comes in, noticing the bottle is open. The giant panics as a smaller person floats in behind her.

???: Moom. Ula needs to plan for the next scheme.

Jack foolishly let's himself be seen, but he turned and noticed two cats each having magenta pink and violet purple colored eyes, but both on opposite pupils.

Ula: Mom! A turtle! Mom, can we keep the turtle?! Can we, Can we, Can we?

Jack looks up at the floating figure. It has half its body a light pink color and the other one a purple color.

Jack: (Why are you saying we?)

??????: Why are you collecting us? You just want the gold; there's no reason to have us either.

Ula: *sadly* I didn't think I would get upset about kidnapping.

???????? ??????: Honey, Mommy's busy. Why don't you play with the turtle?

Ula: I can have it?! Yay!

It rushes towards Jack. He dodges, the being hitting their head on a wall.

Ula: Ouuuch. That hurt.

He notices the two cats, both looking at them with death-glaring stares.

One then leaps on them and scratches them.

alU: Moom! One of the cats scratched me!

??????? ??????: Then why did you turn them into cats?!

alU: I don't know! I like cats and turtles! But I don't know how to reverse the spell on them! They hate me more than they do!

Jack steps in.

Jack: Do you remember the... spell?

The geometric, two-faced person looks at him.

Ula: Why would I? Its's funny!

One of the cats makes a saddening meowing noise. The other one rushes towards the other. The one with the MP on the right and BV on the right starts to cry. The other one, with the BV and MP eyes goes over to support her. the cat then turns to UOA and leaps onto him, tearing up.

Book 6: Fabled SongsWhere stories live. Discover now