Chapter 3: Nightly Exploration 1

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   It is currently night as Volxio and Puppy are sleeping. Jack lays awake past midnight. He is highly curious about if the folktale is true in this timeline. He  scrambled out of bed and quietly walked to the front door. It is dark, so the coffee table hits his knees. He walks it off.
   He walks to the door and quietly opens it, eager to find the giant. When he looks outside, it is starry and calm. He looks to his left; nothing. He looks to his right; the giant is passing through. He is a mile away from it, from the looks of it. He excitedly runs to it, despite being exhausted from today he arrived, nonetheless.
   As people inside mouth at him to stay inside, he couldn't help but notice Rascal the Racoon, scruffy as usual, in between a building.

Rascal: What? What are you doing here?!

Jack: I should ask you the same. Aren't you from Timeline 1?

Rascal: Yes, but what are you doing here?!

Jack: How'd you come over here?

Rascal: I don't remember. Kinda like you. Strange.

Jack: Frankly, things are strange as it is, I don't think they need to get more stranger.

Rascal: Same! With my animal friends in wood, I think "what would happen if I turned into wood?"

jack: Excuse me?

Rascal: Didn't you have your own animal staff before you came here?

It takes some time for Jack to remember which one is his.

Jack: It's Mental the fox, Right?

Rascal: You know about him?! Dude's was snarky bastard in my opinion. He was cunning and cool, but he was very angry at times!

Jack: Mind we walk? The giant is moving?


Jack: I just want to go up there.

Rascal: You. Are. Insane.

Jack grabs Rascal and runs.

Rascal: Seriously! You have no idea what is going on!

Jack: I don't... But... I'm highly curious if that's true.


Through a beanstalk, the giant climbs it like a tree. It's too big for him to be able to climb.

Rascal: Hmph. To big. We'll have to try tomorrow night.

Jack: I guess you're right. I don't want to spend a day climbing that.

Jack turns back towards home. He has a disappointed look on his face, but his eyes aren't closed.

Jack: You know... I've always wanted to attempt to get in the raffle for the next god.

Rascal: That's a thing?!

Jack: Yeah. I don't know where I got it, but it's a thing.

Rascal: I don't believe it until there is a god that can actually say such thing.


They enter the town. Jack places Rascal down wheee he first was.

Jack: See you later.

Rascal: *doesn't notice someone sneaking up on Jack* I guess.

Volxio sneaks up to him.

Jack flinches and turns his head.

Volxio: What are you doing out here in the middle of the night? You're not thinking about going up there.

Jack: Um...

Rascal: Dude wants to go up there.

Jack: Hey! Don't rat me out!

Rascal: You brought me there.

Jack: So?!

Volxio: Hey. Calm down. It's night. We should get some rest.

Jack: Is it true you can get raffles for becoming the next god?

Volxio: Yeah. It's true. Surprisingly, they didn't mind when I did this, although, Discord my be furious I did this when he comes back.

Jack: Oh! Then, I'm wanting to be the next God of Knowledge!

Volxio: Yeah. Whatever. Let's just go home.

They both walk home, although Rascal follows them back.

[End of chapter 3. Total words: 601]

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