Chapter One: Timeline .0's and .5's.

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   Last thing Jack remembers is checking up on William OC - a god who created some holographic dragons, which turned out to go with some 5 folks - now he seems at a house. He feels heat as there is a fireplace in front of him, a few feet away from him.
   On his left, he sees A monster he doesn't remember seeing. Dark grey skin, two horns, black hair with a bow in it. She wears a tee shirt, which is pink in color, and black pants. She's wearing purple socks.
   Back to the eyes, the pupils are pink.

???: *looks at him cutely* Finally! You're awake.

As Jack wonders what is going on, he accidentally falls off the couch.

???: Oops.

Jack: I'm awake. I'm awake. What's- *bonks head underneath table* Ouch!

???: Are you alright?

Jack: I think so? Other than the fact I have no idea where I am.

???: Oh my! I can help you.

Jack crawls and gets up.

Jack: ... Where am I?

Amu: You're at my house. My name's Amu. Say, you look quite shorter than last I seen you.

Jack looks shocked.

Jack: Why am I in your house?!

Amu: I thought I take you here until you wake up.

Jack: Sure. Kidnap a child into their house doesn't seem to original.

Amu: It was for your safety.

Jack: Okay. Uh... How do I get back?

Amy: Frankly, I don't have a clue. I don't even know how you came in this half of a timeline.

Jack: *Shocked* What?

Amu: Yeah. You are in the 1.5 timeline. Timelines in the .5's are slightly different than the current .0's. For example, Timeline 1.0 and more-so's is normal; however, Timeline 1.5 and the other .5's are different. We're 20 minutes ahead of them somehow... *mumbles* which I don't even know how that happened.

Jack: 20 MINUTES?!

Amu: Please lower your voice. Yes, 20 minutes. One day someone appeared with some mind-bending magic and warped the entire world permanently. I don't even know  who did it; It just happened two weeks ago.

Jack: Um... Thanks. May I go?

Amu: Oh yes. You can go. Oh! Before you go, want to sing a song?

Jack: What?

Amu: A song.

Jack: Is this what happened when you were mind warped? You guys and your .5's want to sing more often? (wait, we don't do that at all in Timeline 1, 2, or 3; what is even going on?)

Amu: I don't know why, but we all have this musically instinct now. Please. Let us sing.

Jack: Oh fine.

[Song #21]
The song lasts about 4 minutes. But for the last minute and a few seconds, they hear strange noises coming from underneath their chairs. As soon as it is finished, they're gone.

Jack: * immediately looks under the couch* Did you hear something?

Amu: I heard something, too, but it was probably the wind.

Jack: It sounded like... um... nevermind. Well, I'm going to head out; I'll maybe figure out what's going on. See you later.

Jack leaves the house, accidentally hitting a door.

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