Nightly Exploration 2: Darkner Rai

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That at sunset, Jack stays out and gets some food, most presumable, a salad. He then walks over to a bench 6 meters away from him and sits down.
Wouldn't he know? Flare is walking towards him again.

Flare: Hey.

Jack: Are you following me?

Flare: No. We just happen to be near one another. I don't even know where you stay.

Jack: That's fine.

Flare: Um... Say, You know...-

Jack: Sit down.

Flare looks at him and gives him a scowl. She then sits down and goes back to a normal expression.

Flare: I've done some digging. You know, We even don't know what viruses do yet. I guess this is why she calls this the "Practice" Arc. Things are confusing as hell, there may be some plot points, knowing what feels weight and what feels wrong; all these are going through in this Arc. Once the 12th book is finished, we'll be set on what we like. Hell, maybe we might experiment with some new things.

Jack: Am I going to need to know stuff like you do? Y'know, all these fourth-wall things.

Flare: Naw. We won't require that. Although, the dimensional split exists.

Jack makes raspberry noises.

Jack: What the hell is that?!

Flare: It's where all the categories of fandom come in. Y'know. When this Universe was being made, we called out a few members. We got them here, they help us create life and the monsters. Eventually, we had to get rid and scatter those things to keep the worlds safe, but who knows if they'll come back.

Jack: *confused* What are you talking about?

Flare: Nonsense. Sap's brain is nuts.

Jack: *Highly confused noises*

Flare: I'm making things complicated. I'll take my leave.

Jack turns to her.

Jack: Wait!

Flare turns back.

Flare: What is it?

Jack: Thanks for helping me out.

Flare: I'm doing this to get my co-worker back. Even if I hate her guts.

Jack: Um... Ok.

Flare: You'll eventually get what you want. Just remember your tune when you grow big and strong.

As Flare leaves, he can't help what she means by that. Maybe he'll know in the future.

Actually, now that he thinks about it, during the first song he did hear some singing underneath the couch. He didn't spot him as that might be an issue, but...
But what if that's him from the future? But his voice is big and deep. His current voice is small and windy. He doesn't know what's going on, but he hasn't sang in over a day. Surely Flare or the others might've ran out of songs.

Then, all of a sudden he hears rumbling. He looks to his right and looks up. The giant is arriving. Time surely has flown by. He wonders if there are any folktales on time, but surely there isn't.

He gets up from the bench and sprints towards it. As he does, some people are still outside telling him to head inside as they are. He ignores them. He runs out of town, almost out of breath, and notices he is almost there.


He is a mile outside of the town and now the giant notices him. She reaches down and misses as he jumps, avoiding her hand grabbing. He then runs behind the giant as she is confused as she can't see where he went. Then he appears on her left. She gets ready to grab him.

Jack knows he's just buying it time. Eventually, he will run out of breath and the giant will get him. She reaches for him again but misses. Jack runs up to the back of the hand and grabs on to it. He is getting exhausted.

The giant's hand moves up as he is having trouble standing up. He is exhausted.

Then, she grabs a tiny bottle and tries putting him in there by slamming it on her, but he quickly dodges. He is exhausted.

Jack starts feeling lightheaded as he doesn't remember the last time he had water. He doesn't notice the bottle heading straight down him.

The giant's hand then flips and he falls into the bottle, the giant sealing it with a cork lid.

   Everyone on the ground watches, spread apart. Flare watches, knowing he wanted to get there. She turns around as she whispers "You wanted this."

The giant then walks to the beanstalk.

Jack: I.... I have coins...

The Giant Climbs the beanstalk.

Jack: Time to relax for a bit... in a bottle.

   Before falling asleep he notices someone trying to escape another bottle with a cork lid. This person seems ghostly like. They looks misty in a dark-grayish color with void black eyes. They fall down.

Then Jack rests.

[End of Chapter 5. Total words: 811.]

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