Chapter 4: The Coin-Gates.

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In the morning, Flare arrives. She is wearing the same clothes as yesterday. The arrives at the house where Volxio, Puppy, and Jack stay.

Flare was told by Sophie to wait patiently as they could still be sleeping. Fortunately enough, Jack is awake.

Jack: *groggy* Hello?

Flare: : Hey, Good morning. I finished remaking that thing. Come on out we can sing.

Jack: *clears throat* *normal* Fine.

Jack steps outside. Flare walks left, and he follows.

Out in the plains where Purple was, Glare sets up a small speaker. She looks at her phone, scrolling.

Flare: You ready?

Jack: *tired* Yeah... I guess.

   She immediately presses play. It sounds like the original, but she probably fixed what sounded wrong in the previous version. However, his mic starts making a jittery noise at some places. He isn't sure whether or not it's effects or his mic is actually broken.
   The song is two minutes and nine seconds.

Jack: I think something's wrong with the mic.

Flare: What?

Jack: Something's wrong with the mic. It kept making jittery noises.

Flare: A last-minute add in.

Jack: Ok... I guess.

Flare: Do you like it, at least?

Jack: Yeah, but other than that jittery effect in between the song at times, I think it's pretty good improvement.

Flare: Thanks.

Jack: I have a question that randomly popped in my head last night.

Flare: Shoot it.

Jack: What's so special about Cipher's powers?

Flare puts a hand behind her back and scratches her head.

Flare: Aw geez. Um... Cipher is... what we call a virus. After the Splith Seele, his powers was randomly given to her by and now she got them.

Jack: What can these viruses do?

Flare leans towards him.

Flare: *whispers* There are a total of 10 viruses in this world. They each have a piece of power that can change reality in an instant. If all their souls gets absorbed... it might be the end of days.

She stands back up.

Jack: So... is that why monsters hate them?

Flare: I haven't seen that in action, but I'll remember to implicate that into next cycle. This is a practice round.

Jack: What?!

Flare: Listen, for your goals - for what you are aiming for, you're going to have to hear some stuff you aren't going to like. That's life for ya. Have some courage you don't freak out over that.

Jack: Thats fair. How do you know what i'm aiming to be?

Flare: I'm... I'm one of those all-seeing folks you call "Personas" I know what you want; that's why i'm telling you all this. Wait... Isn't it overbearing for you?

Jack: *stunned to speak* No.

Flare: Need a moment?

Jack: Yeah.

Flare: Alright then. I'm going to share this with my girlfriend.... er, to-be-girlfriend. Depends.

Jack: When does the giant arrive every night?

Flare: You should know. In a few hours.

Jack: Ok.

It's quiet.

Later, Jack is outside with Volxio and Puppy, putting flowers in the dirt.

Jack: I never done this before. It's nice.

Volxio: I know. It's amazing.

Jack: I'm quite a curious person.

Volxio: Yep you are. You were out wanting to see that giant last night.

Jack: Yeah. I wanted to.

Volxio: I just don't want to get yourself killed. Giants are usually hostile.

Jack: I never seen one before!

Puppy chimes in.

Puppy: The Giant's name is Plantris Mraying.

Jack turns to Puppy, sitting behind two feet him. 

Jack: Is that it's name? How would you know?

Puppy: Read it in a book.

Jack: Huh. Wait do I need to read every book in the library?

Puppy: To get to your goal? Probably.

Jack: Oh man, that's going to take forever.

Volxio: At least it's going to make the days go quicker.

Jack: I guess that's true. But I wonder if I need to know a lot of other stuff.

Puppy: *out of nowhere* Viruses can only exist in one timeline at a time.

Jack and Volxio: What?

Puppy: I've seen someone from a different timeline die. Right in front of my eyes.

Jack: When the hell did- Where did this come from, Puppy?

Puppy: You said you want some knowledge. I give you some vital information.

Jack: Oh. Nuh-uh. You went from for a moment. What happened?

Puppy: What? I saw someone die right in front of my eyes?

Jack: Yes!

Volxio: Where did this come from?

Puppy: In timeline 0, remember?

Volxio: Oh. Right. who was it? Those two baby dragons?

Puppy: Yeah. Why'd they have to be baby dragons?

Jack: What's happening?

Volxio: I told you. We're from the future.

Jack: You saw baby dragons in the future?

Volxio: Yeah. We saw them die. Right in front of our eyes.

Jack: So that must mean that the same ones from a different timeline got virus's powers?

Volxio: Yeah...

Puppy: Let's get this finished. I want to chillax inside. It's warm out here.

Volxio: Yep.

Later, Jack is still outside. Flare comes back to him.

Flare: I need to give you some gold coins for tonight.

Jack: What for?

Flare: The giant is greedy. It likes to collect humans and monsters also, so pay it no mind if it snatched you up. The more the gold, the more you'll get snatched. Someone I know I have a grudge on had, say, 50 gold coins? The giant sensed it with her nose and snatched her up. Everyone stayed inside at night since that night.

Jack: Give me 100.

Flare: What? Are you insane?

Jack: Give. Me. The. Coins.

Flare: Ok. Sheesh. Here is 80 more.

Jack: Thanks.

Jack walks to the door of the house.

Jack: *determined* I'm ready for tonight.

[End of Chapter. Total words: 957.]

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