"You don't really have a choice in the matter. I mean, unless you want jail time," Jason started.

"Excuse me?" Luke's head snapped up.

"Lucky for you, we never pressed charges-but we easily still could. But, if you agree to this, we'll agree to not press charges-" Jason said.

"Maybe," I added, glaring at Luke.

"But, alas," Jason continued as if I hadn't interrupted, "if you don't agree, we just may press charges. We even have proof of your criminality, so is this what you want?" Jason finished.

It wasn't a tough decision at all.

"Fine! Fine. I'll do it," Luke agreed, rolling his eyes.

"EVERYONE STOP," Annabeth raised her voice as loud as possible. The whole room turned to her, including Luke.


I nodded in understanding.

We're not malicious people here. Jason was imploring a strategy, but blackmailing someone for a body part wasn't moral. Annabeth was too smart and too good to do things that way. She's not selfish.

Luke stayed silent while staring at her.

"Luke, you hurt me a lot. I could never forgive or forget it because I hate you right now. I keep thinking about your lack of humanity..."

"But, I know that deep-down you still have some humanity. Some forgiveness. I know you do from the days when you, me, and Thalia used to be friends. This is your shot at redemption. To make yourself a better person by helping someone you wronged," Annabeth stated.

Luke simply stood there. Conflict was apparent on his face, and he just needed a push in the right direction. He had a lot to think about (blackmail and redemption, both were factors).

Thalia went towards him and brushed his arm.

"She's my best friend, Luke. And, you used to be a friend too. Please help," Thalia said.

"Okay," Luke responded. "I will."

I nodded.

I wasn't happy about getting help from Luke. I didn't want him in our lives, especially Annabeth's. However, this one decision just might make me forgive him because he trying to save Annabeth's life (and by extension, my life).

This is an opportunity of redemption for him. Let's just hope he stick with it.


"Well that was fun," Frank said, after we all finished their Lord of the Rings marathon.

We came early on Saturday and stayed the whole time in Annabeth's hospital room. I was sitting on the couch against the wall, farthest from Annabeth. She didn't seem to want me any closer. The promise ring laying on the nightstand instead of her ring acted as a prime reminder.

Piper was in the bed next to Annabeth. The rest were lounging in chairs and couches around the room.

"Yeah, I miss hanging out with you," Annabeth told them honestly.

"Yeah, but pretty soon, we'll be doing this all the time at home," Piper said smiling.

"I'm not so sure. We'll be seniors next year, and after that, we'll be going off the college," Jason said warily. "Can you believe it?"

"Oh geez, don't go all philosophical on us now," I joked, bumping my shoulder with Jason.

The gang laughed at Jason's flustered face.

He had a point though.

However, no one wanted to think about that right now. We just wanted to live in the moment and hope for a future where Annabeth lives past her surgery.

Three knocks sounded on the door, and Annabeth yelled 'Come in!'

"We're back," Athena said, walking into the room with authority. Dr. Apollo and Frederick walked in with another man I didn't know.

"Mr. Castellan?" Thalia asked shocked.

I stared at the man in shock and surprise. I couldn't believe this suited-up professional man was Luke's dad. I mean, Hermes Castellan looked so...decent. How did Luke ended up the way he did?

"Uh, what is going on?" I asked, noticing Annabeth's confusion.

Hermes came forward and stood next to Annabeth's bed. He held out his hand and gently shook Annabeth's pale hand, which had an IV in it. Hermes's facial expressions looked guilt-ridden but also proud. It was an odd combination.

"You parents asked me about consenting to my son's surgery. Of course, I said yes if he was helping you. I also wanted to apologize for everything that he has done to you, Annabeth," Hermes stated.

"Huh?" I blurted out.

"You're serious?" Annabeth asked. 

"I hadn't even known that Luke had tried to hurt you. It is a horrible think for a father to realize that he may have raised a poor son. But, I am also proud that he also chose to donate a kidney to you."

"It was a struggle to convince him," Thalia said matter-of-factly.

"Yes, and I'll make sure that he doesn't change his mind. He deserves a redemption. I know that deep down there is still good in him. Deep down he may still care for you and Thalia as prior friends," Hermes expressed sadly.

"Alright. Well, he said okay," Annabeth said, not knowing how to respond.

I didn't know how to react either.

Hermes did seem like a nice man, and it was good that he finally saw what Luke was like. Maybe, they'd work on Luke's mentality in the future.

I didn't know what I expected to feel if I heard these words from Hermes. Relief? Because I certainly didn't feel relieved. I didn't really feel anything.

The damage had already happened, and it happened to Annabeth.

"Well I don't know what I was expecting to feel from this," Annabeth answered honestly. "I just hope that you stay present in Luke's life to correct the flaws that he's doing. Make your son better."

"I will. Helping you will be the first step," Hermes said firmly.

I couldn't imagine how Hermes must be feeling as a father. It must suck.

Trust me, Annabeth's and my children will never grow up like Luke. Our future will be filled will love, joy, and kindness, which will translate to our kids.

"Alright, well I think we should let you have some time to figure out everything and rest," Apollo announced. standing up from the couch.

Everyone started walking out of the room.

I was the last to the doorway, but Thalia stopped me at the door. Her gaze wandered between me and Annabeth.

I pleaded with my eyes to not do this now.

Annabeth seemed indifferent.

"You too have some talking to do," Thalia said firmly before closing the door, leaving me and Annabeth alone.


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