Chapter 8

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Delilah's pov

I looked at myself in the mirror smoothing out my blazer.

^^her outfit

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^^her outfit

Today I signed the papers to become asterisk guardian. Today I became I mother I guess?

Luca wasn't wrong, the girl doesn't speak. She keeps to herself and draws, that's it. I just hope I don't have to look after her that much. We have maids in the house so that should keep the looking after to a minimum.

"You okay?" Lorenzo asked me. I nodded not even glancing in his direction.

I mean, who does this man think he is.

He turned around and exited the bathroom as I looked to my right at my bags hidden under the bed.

Today I'm leaving. I don't care what he says.

I smiled at myself in the mirror and grabbed the bags making a beeline to the front door.

A maid opened the door for me as I lowered my head to say thank you and got into my Ferrari. I placed the bags in the boot and opened the garage speeding out.

The guards at the gate let me through and I looked back at the house one last time.

I'm not gonna miss this place.

I put the radio on and drove to the music. I have no clue where im going but I'll figure that out.

"Lilah" My heart stopped. The voice came from my radio.

"Lilah baby, I know you don't mean this. Just turn around and come back home." It was Lorenzo' voice.

"Lilah I have cars out looking for you. So do the right thing and stop the car baby."

"I'm not stopping Lorenzo. I want out!" I shouted back.

"You know I can't do that baby. You know too much. You stay with me forever. Or I'll have to kill you."

My heart dropped.

Kill me?

I ditched the car into a ditch and began running. I ain't letting myself get caught.

I ran through the woods but heard car tyres screeching in the distance.

I unzipped my heels and threw them. "Why the fuck did I choose to wear heels today" I quietly cursed myself.

I was having a beautiful run before some massive homeless man tackled me.

"Oh Jason, fancy seeing you here." I smiled sheepishly looking up at one of Lorenzo' bodyguards.

"Move it Delilah." He said grabbing my arm and hoisting me up. "I'm not going anywhere with you!" I screamed and bit his hand.

He let out an animalistic scream setting my arm free. I began running again but ,once again, I was tackled. But this time by my husband. "Hey Lorenzo, fancy seeing you here." I laughed nervously.

"Good night lilah." Before I could say anything else a sharp sting hit my neck.

I look up to see him holding a syringe in his hand. Did this mother fucker drug me?!

I tried to fight it off but the drug was too strong. And soon enough all I could see was darkness.

~~~~ ~~~

I slowly opened my eyes scanning my surroundings. I was back in my bedroom. I got up and quietly went to the door trying to open it.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." God how is this man everywhere?!

I looked around the room noticing a camera on the left side of the ceiling. "There you are baby." Lorenzo spoke through it.

"Let me out now Lorenzo!" I shouted at the camera. "Well lilah, you do have a history of being a runner so I don't think that would be very wise of me." He replied. "I am your wife! You can't keep me locked up here Lorenzo. This is kidnapping!" I screamed. "It may be kidnapping, but I'm keeping you safe. You would know what to do on your own baby." He spoke calmly.

"Soon Dante will be in there. He's your new bodyguard. To make sure you don't make anymore stupid decisions."

I now ignored him realising he had eyes on me 24/7 and the lock on my door wasn't budging.

I guess I'll wait for Dante to come up

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