77. Reid is down

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A week after finding out that they were having a boy, Cassidy and Spencer had started coming up with some baby names. The moment Cassidy mentioned baby names, it was clear in her eyes that Spencer had been thinking a lot about this choice, and it was even more clear that he had a name in mind for their son, and he couldn't wait to tell her.

"You have a name in mind, don't you?" Cassidy asked as she and Spencer sat in their bed, her hands gently rubbing her baby bump as she tried to get comfortable. Her slightly larger baby bump had made it more difficult to sleep at night.

"I do, yes. But I'm not sure if you'd like it." He exhaled, nodding.

"Just tell me, Spencer." Cassidy held his hand.

"I want to name our son after someone important to me. He was my mentor, someone I trusted with my life." Spencer started, Cassidy having an idea as to where he was going.

"With your permission, of course, could we possibly name our son...Gideon?" Spencer revealed. Cassidy started crying.

"Oh, no. Do you hate the name?" Spencer started to panic.

"No, no! These are happy tears. The fact that you want to name our baby after Jason Gideon is lovely." Cassidy smiled.

"Gideon Morgan Reid. That has a nice ring to it." Cassidy smiled, nodding. Spencer stopped and stared at Cassidy, surprised.

"Morgan Reid? Is Gideon's middle name Morgan a- after Derek?" Spencer almost started to cry.

"Yeah. I want to honour the man who is basically your older brother." Cassidy smiled.

"I- I love that." Spencer smiled, kissing Cassidy.

"Is that your name, baby? Are you Gideon Morgan Reid?" Cassidy looked down at her belly, hoping for a sign. Without warning, Cassidy felt a small movement in her stomach. She almost gasped, but held back the noise, opening her mouth.

"Cassie, honey, are you okay?" Spencer asked, concerned about his wife.

"Yeah, I'm okay. I think I just felt our baby boy kick." She smiled.

"Well, it's common for mothers to feel movement - in this case kicking - around the 16 week mark, or possibly as early as 13 weeks." Spencer chuckled.

"Do you want to feel?" Cassidy looked at her husband, seeing his face light up.

"Hey, Gideon, it's your dad. Are you being a good boy for your mom?" Spencer placed his hand on her stomach, feeling a gentle kick against his hand. He looked up at Cassidy, who smiled.

"It's settled then. We can't wait to meet you, Gideon." Spencer whispered as he placed a gentle kiss on her stomach. Feeling his lips against her exposed stomach, Cassidy could help but smile at the cuteness of her husband.

(The Next Day)

With their son's name chosen, Cassidy and Spencer decided to wait a little while to tell the team. They wanted to keep their friends on their toes for as long as possible.

When Cassidy sat up at 7:45 AM, she could feel some movements in her stomach, causing a small chuckle to exit her mouth.

"You may have stopped making me vomit, but you're still a trouble maker." Cassidy smiled, rubbing her belly. She turned her head to her bedside table, seeing that Emily's name was on her screen, waiting for her call to be answered. Cassidy picked it up and tapped the green button, placing her phone next to her ear.

"Hey, Em. Is everything okay?" Cassidy asked, yawning.

"You and Spencer need to get to the Colonial Liberty Bank in D.C. We have an active robbery and hostage situation." Emily exhaled.

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