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" You shouldn't scare her like that. For God's sake, She is pregnant.What if something happens?" Sherese scolded her husband.

" Geez calm down, you old lady.Look at her,she enjoys being with me." The grampa pointed at the laughing girl who had tears in her eyes.

" Gramma, you both are like cartoon characters. " Sade laughed while clutching her stomach.

" Yeah,whatever I am gonna cook and Sade you are gonna rest." Gramma stood from the chair.

" And I am going to rest too." Grampa stretched his body.

" Nope .No way,you are gonna help me." Gramma pointed her knife towards him.

" Honey calm down .I said I was gonna help you then rest." Grampa went towards the kitchen counter.

Actually ,the person who hugged Sade while she was baking was her Grampa.He came home early to surprise her.

Sade adored her gramma and grampa from afar and proceeded towards her room.

She resumed reading her diary. Few chapters flew by how oro overcame his shyness.How he started to flirt with her and basically beginning g of a new love.


Oro asked me to accompany him to the game store.While we were on our way, we saw a little girl whose clothes were covered in dust and she was crying.

Oro didn't bat an eye towards her.He won't care about anyone,especially children.

I understand him. His stepmother was good to him until his sister was born. And abuse followed him after.

But it's time to overcome it. So I dragged him towards the little girl. When I asked her about her parents, she lost them at a park.

And she said a old man was chasing and trying to catch her.

Just as she finished the mentioned old man came into the scene. He was very bulky with a lot of beard.

When I see such pedophiles,my blood boils. I can feel the little girl's situation feeling helpless.

He approached us and tried to take away the girl. I blocked him. Oro tried to stop me,but he couldn't.

I slapped the old man and I grabbed the girl and ran towards the police station, oro following us.

As we reached the police station the old man ran away.

We waited in the station until the girls parents were found.

When we left the station, and walked for some distance, the old man ambushed us.He slapped me.

At that instant oro's eye became red.Even I was scared to look in his eye.He punched him and started to beat him merciless.

Me analyzing the situation called the police before oro could kill him.

The police arrived soon and arrested the criminal.

Oro took me to a medical shop and treated the slap on my face.I was just admiring him. He has became more handsome.

He suddenly saw me staring at him.I was flustered and looked everywhere except him.He chuckled and continued to treat me.

The next day we went to school. But we heard an unexpected news.

The old man who attacked us was killed in a horrible way.


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