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She roamed around the small cottage.Her beautiful brown locks flowed in the air. Her curious doe eyes roamed around the cottage.

She admired the potrait of various Old photos upstairs. She then climbed down the stairs.

Her hands protectively secured around her big belly. She already missed her husband who was on a business trip.

She just wanted to feel his warmth .Her baby could come out any time and she wanted her husband to be with her when it was time.

She looked at the door and an old lady entered through.

"Sade,oh you are awake .Are you touring the house?" Asked the old lady aka her grandmother.

"Yes, gramma.Its been so long since I last came here ." Sade said in her honey sweet voice with a smile.

Her eyes scanned her 'gramma' who was a gracefull woman in her early 70s.She saw her gramma holding basket full of freshly picked veggies.

She became excited ,"Are these from our garden ,"she asked with a sparkle in her eye.

"Yup.Now go and rest,I will prepare dinner." Her grandmother said sweetly to her.

"I wanna help. I am bored." She said.

"Then,explore the house.I am sure your 'grampa' would have hid some of his stuffs." The old lady said and giggled.

"I love treasure hunting ."Sade said in a excited tone.

"Your mother did too." As soon as those words left the grandmother, the smile in Sade's face completely vanishes.

"Please don't mention that woman." Sade said in a irritated tone and left.

The Grandmother Sherese looked at her 24 year old granddaughter walking away grumpily.

The grandmother was worried about this behavior, but not shocked because this was usual.

She just hoped that one day she will forgive her mother.


Sade roamed outside the house.Ever since she heard about her mother, her thoughts began to fill her mind.

Her first visit to this cottage with her mother years ago.How she was very scared to meet her grandfather as a child.

She was very scared ,but her 'grampa' became her best buddy. He may be the former colonel Mr. Torsney. But to her ,he was her 'grampa'.

Her mother's thoughts began clouding her again. She frustately pulled her hair.

She don't want to think about her mother.With frustration, she didn't mind her path.

Her path led her to the backside of the house and she found herself staring at a very old wooden door.


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