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Soft warm sunlight flooded the room as Minho woke up.

He was still in the position he fell asleep in. Curled around Felix, hugging him as close to his chest as possible.

The blonde was asleep, his breath was slow and deep.

Minho's lips were just inches from the other's neck.

He carefully leaned in and brushed a soft kiss onto Felix's skin - without waking him.

He hadn't had any nightmares. Felix was a little wonder.

And soon he would be gone.

The god of netherworld pressed his eyes shut vehemently, forbidding himself to think about that.

Instead he concentrated on the warm body in his arms, how they perfectly fit together. How he felt so comfortable.

He cherished each second that he was allowed to spend like this, hugging Felix, just having him.

Minho didn't fall asleep again, he just drew small circles on the back of Felix's hand.

A while later, the younger woke up with a small grunt.

'You're too warm' he complained with a drowsy chuckle, starting to move.

They entangled their limbs from each other, but only halfway. Felix turned around to face him, their upper bodies close, their legs still laying on top of each other.

Minho stared at Felix's sleepy face, in disbelief that he actually got to wake up next to this precious being.

'Good morning, princess' he carefully said.

Felix just smiled softly, meeting his gaze.

'Hey' He stretched his arms. 'How did you sleep?'

Minho grinned.

'I dreamt of daisies'

Felix chuckled again.

They comfortably stared at each other, still wrapped into the blanket, skin touching here and there.

Their faces lay close on the same pillow.

Minho lost himself in the constellations of Felix's freckles.

There were two on his left eyelid.

A few scattered across his nose.

The morning sunlight let his dark eyes glow warm and bright.

Like honey. Or amber.

The light that found its way through the curtains reflected in his pupils.

Shiny eyes.

Soft lips.

Perfectly curved, soft pink lips.

Lips that would be warm. And would distinctly taste like strawberries.

And would perfectly fit against his own.

'What are you thinking about?'

Felix's voice was silent but so warm.

Minho gulped.

'You kinda remind me of one'

'One what?'

'A daisy'


The older hesitantly reached out and brushed his fingertips against Felix's forehead.

As if to brush a hair away - only that there wasn't a hair, Minho just wanted to touch his skin.

'You're beautiful and so bright'

spring is here again | skz | minlix | greek mythology auजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें