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When the god of netherworld woke up, he found the bed beside him empty.

Empty except for a finely folded white dress.

He recognized it immediately.

On top of it laid a crumpled piece of paper.

Minho recognized the handwriting immediately, too.

He wished he didn't.


I left while you were asleep.
I thought, this way it's easier for both of us. I'm not sure anymore. But, Minho, don't look back. Don't be sad.

Have hope.

You're such a wonderful and loving being - and you have people around you who cherish you more than you think. A part of me will always remain with you, too. The garden, the stars that are like my freckles (yes, I noticed), the ball room where we danced, our balcony. Your memories. All that is me.

I'll take a little bit from you with me, too. I left you the dress I wore when I arrived and instead took another one from your huge wardrobe. Hope that's okay.

I don't hate you, Minho. I stopped a long time ago.

Thank you for everything. Take good care of my plants.

In love,

Your Princess.

(There's fresh strawberry cake in the kitchen)

Tear drops sprinkled on the paper.

In some way he had known Felix wouldn't be there when he woke up.

He had seen it in his eyes, felt it in his touches.

And he had fallen asleep anyways.

And now Felix was gone.

For ever.

Just a little of his scent clinging to the bedsheets and his white dress were left.

I didn't even get to hug you one last time.



Sorry that it's so short

I almost cried while writing this letter. I had actually scribbled the main part on the back of a bill I used as bookmark because I had a good idea and I'm constantly afraid to forget stuff again. And now I just had to type it and yeah I'm tearing up


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