11.Situations In Three Places

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At planet Chaos

No one pov

All the members of The army of End and the Army of Chaos were listening to Sky's story.
"Woah... You did all that when you were a demigod?" Moon asked in amazed.
"I won't be able to do all that without my friends," Sky said, and his friends had soft smiles on their faces. But Sky's face looked sad.
"Is everything ok Sky?" The mother hen of the group, Silena Asked.
"Yeah...I'm ok. I was just thinking about my friends at the camp. I'm sure that when they found I'm gone they'll freak out." Sky answered.
"I'm sure they will. But we can't do anything about that Sky." Star said in a soft voice.
"Maybe I will be able to visit them," Sky said.
"I don't think-"
"Maybe one day you will be. But first, you have to learn how to be the Prince of the university." Michael cut off Ethan's sentence and said.
"Yeah... Your right." Sky said and smiled.
And only Beauty saw the dreamy smile on Hero's face.
'I always knew they will end up together. Well...time to start my plan. I will make them confess their love to each other.' Beauty thought to herself.
Forge sighed knowing what his girlfriend was up to.

At Camp half-blood
After two weeks

Annabeth's pov

It's been two weeks since Percy disappeared. We searched everywhere but we had no luck finding him. Even gods don't have a clue. They are also searching for him. The whole camp is like a funeral. Everyone is silent. But Leo is the worst. He is not even eating. He is inside his cabin and not coming outside. Jason is with him all day.

And others are not that good. Hazel's eyes are red from crying. She looks like a zombie. Frank looks like he has depression. Thalia is not speaking a word. Reyna is searching all day for Percy and she hasn't slept in a few days. Nico is also searching and he isn't eating. Stoll brothers haven't done any pranks in two weeks. Clarisse isn't speaking with anyone. She is training all day. No one has a smile on their face. I hope we will be able to find Percy soon. Because without him our hearts are empty.

At Planet End

No one pov

"WHAT?! WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY THEY ARE GONE?" Lord End shouted. The windows in the palace shattered into pieces by his voice. The guards and the servants took a step back in fear.
"Prince Storm and...and...his ar-army is gone, My lord. And...I found this letter in Prince's room, my lord." The poor guard said in a cracking voice.

End started to read the letter angrily.

Dear father,
I know you are angry. But I had to do this. Because I wanted something you never gave me. You always said you have given me everything. But you haven't. You never gave me LOVE. But I know where I can have it. So I'm leaving. I hope we could never meet again. No matter what you are still my father. So... I don't hate you that much.
Your son,

"STORM!!!" End screamed. And his voice echoed through the palace.

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