But demanding that the doors be opened for her would not only be rude, it would also be plain stupid, considering that no other servants in Ramses' castle had been detected by Medb.

So, after waiting a second to make sure that no one planned to open the doors for her, Medb shifted her gaze to the sphinx still standing beside her. Her gaze clearly conveyed the expectation she had at the moment.

The sphinx waited half a second, checking to see if it was an accident on Medb's part, then shifted his gaze, and then the doors in front of Medb opened, allowing her to pass inside.

Ramses was just as perceptive of Medb now as she was of him, so little things like this were no accident – and Medb's position was too weak to ignore such things so easily.

No, of course Medb could use brute force, but without Ainz's unequivocal orders, it was really the last resort Medb would resort to. Force or no force, Medb didn't like to begin any acquaintance with battle. Just as she couldn't simply rid herself of the knowledge of Skadi that had been hammered inside her since her creation, so is the knowledge of a true queen's behavior and her essence.

Of course, with Ainz by her side, Medb didn't need any throne of the world or any kingdom languishing to submit to her – but that didn't mean that she was incapable of doing anything but being his shadow.

So Medb took a step inside the throne room without even trying to present herself – that was the responsibility of the host and the servants escorting her inside the hall. If the other side could not do such a simple thing – and Ramses certainly couldn't, since Medb had concealed her personal information with her skills. Something that would become a miscalculation on their part, weakening their position, and therefore playing into Medb's hands.

The throne room in which she found herself was not very large. It was large enough for anyone entering it to walk several dozen meters to the throne, but not large enough not to be able to see Ramses himself on his throne. It is a spacious room made of orange-yellow sandstone, richly decorated inside with all kinds of Egyptian-style frescoes narrating the great deeds of the pharaohs and the gods. Small palm trees lined the room, spread on either side of the blue carpeted walkway leading to the throne, just far enough away to allow any visitor to pass, and with large panoramic windows covered with a glass-like transparent material.

All of these decorations lead to the main part of the throne room – the throne itself.

Atop the couple of meters of peculiar pyramid-like staircase was a rather small and not to say overly luxurious throne made of a strange gold-like material, similar to the material that made the walls, and the same yellow-orange sandstone. It was decorated with elaborate carvings and inlaid jewels, but it did not look overly luxurious or pompous, being rather at the level of 'acceptable' for such a place and the person seated upon it.

Sitting on the throne, however, was a much more remarkable Servant than his surroundings, which was an accomplishment in and of itself.

A man approaching perhaps his third decade, but who definitely looked younger than his years, and only Medb's attentive and knowledgeable eyes made her capable of telling. He did not look really grown up according to his appearance, but his posture and gaze revealed a man who had seen a lot in his lifetime. His dark skin, fully exposed above his waist, allows anyone to see his very impressive physique. Gold and azure gloves covered his hands, with the black mannish dress below his waist and the light white cloak framed by a necklace of gold that was too large hung on his shoulders and chest, completing the ensemble. All these pale in comparison when compared to the Servant's face.

The soft, yet sharp features of his face, that made the man look somewhat effeminate and yet at the same time emphasized his masculinity. His dark brown hair with a slight glow from the sunlight dancing on it, with two gold ornaments hanging from his ears. And the Servant's main feature, his amber and honey-colored eyes, that looked at the world glinting like the sun. And yet, not with the joy or vigor with which the sun was associated, but with a majesty of experience and years, allowing everything in his gaze to enjoy its radiance. But no one can mistake that the warmth bellied, ready to turn in an instant, a gaze full of fury and chastening fire.

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