Chapter Forty-Five

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-Adam's POV-

Training with Kaden was too much fun, just being able to work beside him was a completely different experience and I was finding it difficult to fully pay attention at times. Of course, I took my new role seriously, but when my mate looked so damn hot and professional, how the hell was I supposed to keep my eyes off of him?

That was the current problem I was having. Kaden on the other hand, wasn't taking any of my bullshit, he was in full on work mode.

"Are you paying attention?" He raised his eyebrows, his eyes telling me he already knew the answer to that question.

"Of course."

"Liar," he huffed.

A smile tugged at my lips as I watched him. My hands slipped around his waist, pulling him closer to me.

"I will not be repeating myself, Mya Setio."

"So hot," I whispered, closing the space between us and pressing my lips to his. Kaden sucked in a breath against my lips, his body falling slightly into mine, and then he was kissing me back.

It didn't last long but it left the electricity between us charged and heavy in the room.

"Okay, I'm paying attention now," I said with a small smile, forcing myself to focus back in on what we were going through.

"Is that what I have to do to keep your attention?" His face was serious but his eyes were dancing in amusement.

"In my defence, my attention never actually strayed from you, it just went from business to pleasure," I smirked.

"I can already tell working with you is going to be both interesting and challenging," he smiled suggestively. "Though I will admit, paperwork can be quite tedious, how about we move to the training grounds instead?"

That caught my attention. I hadn't got to see much of the training in action, and that definitely sounded more fun that pencil pushing.

"That sounds like fun," I agreed.

"Maybe you'll be less distracted out there," he teased.

"Oh Angel, you could distract me in a room full of people. We could be surrounded by a hundred gods and my attention would still be on you."

Kaden took my hand in his, placing a soft and brief kiss against my lips. "Have I ever told you that your words alone make me feel like more of a king than my own status?"

I smiled softly, taking his lead. "I hope one day I can make you see just how amazing you truly are."


The training grounds in Galtolga were different from the ones we had at the pack house, but then again, we didn't train with magic.

I could feel the energy as soon as we entered.

"This is one of the more intense training arenas, used by those who already have a good understanding for their powers and have come far in the ranks. You also have access to Galtolgic power now, if you would like to try something."

Oh right. I forgot about that. I felt a hell of a lot more powerful than before, but I didn't think much about attempting to use their powers; it was something completely new.

"How?" I asked cluelessly, but my love didn't judge. He smiled patiently and pulled me along with him to a more secluded area.

"Okay. The Galtolgic energy is embedded into your soul, so you need to connect with your soul in order to access it. Bring all of your attention onto that energy, allow yourself to feel it completely, take control of it, and then use it. If you can envision it, you can create it. Of course, all forms of magic has its restraints. Try summoning a sword."

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