Chapter Twenty-Eight

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-Kaden's POV-

Adam took his pack back to their house with the agreement of talking more later, and the moment Adam disappeared through the portal, I felt it.

He was suddenly too far away, and it left me with an unfamiliar feeling, almost like when you can sense something being wrong, but this was different. I couldn't help but feel like a part of me was missing now that my keeper was gone, and I was really starting to wonder how my friends did it.

I ignored it as much as I could and forced myself to attend to my duties as usual. Zach and Gabriel weren't hurt during the attack but explained that when my message for back-up was sent out, they'd snuck through with the guards.

At first, I was angry, but Adrian and Cameron had both been hurt pretty badly and they could sense that, they needed to be there with their keepers, there was simply no keeping them away when they had so much to lose.

We were all advised to take things easy to allow ourselves to heal quicker, and I could only hope that would be an option for us.

There was no word on whether Amelia was alive or not and no trace as to where the portal she had created would lead to. Jacob still wasn't speaking to anyone, and I made a mental note to visit him later.

It goes without saying we all skipped the rest of school for the day, which gave me more time to catch up on work.

I started to draft my speech on the announcement of my keeper, knowing the sooner I had it ready, the better for all of us it would be. I didn't get too far with it, and to say it was a very rough draft would be too generous. I had to accept the fact that I would heavily need Adrian's help with it, he was far more empathetic in that aspect and had a way of connecting with people that others didn't.

However, I left him with his keeper so he could heal more before forcing the task upon him, even if it was just drafting a speech, and not heavy work.

There was no further news from Jupiter as of yet, and now my keeper had marked me, it was getting hard to resist not fully claiming him. I was starting to crave the idea of our souls being bound together, and I was no longer sure of how long I would be able to hold that back for.

I shook my head and finished the last bit of coffee in my cup. Sitting here doing tedious paperwork was driving me crazy, it was hard to go longer than five minutes without thinking about Adam now, my mind would always find its way back there.

I needed something else to keep myself busy, and so I stepped from my office and was surprised when I bumped straight into Adrian.

"Adrian, you are supposed to be resting." I raised an eyebrow as I examined him quickly, he definitely looked okay.

"I've rested, the healing balm is doing wonders, I made love to my keeper and I'm feeling great!" He grinned. I resisted the urge to roll my eyes, always the over-sharer. "And besides, you're injured too yet you're still working, and school is over now so this is the time I would usually start. So, what will you have me do, sir?" Adrian smirked.

I didn't hold back my sigh but of course, it only made him smirk more, knowing he had won.

"I do want to ask you to draft up a speech for me in regard to the announcement of my keeper, I started one, but I feel you will do a much better job of it."

"I can look through what you wrote, but it should be you announcing your keeper, it needs to come from the heart, you know? I can deal with the complications, why it was kept a secret and the delicacies of the war and all that, in fact I've already started it."

"You're a good knight, Adrian." I smiled, patting my friend on the shoulder in appreciation. "I need to speak with Keiron quickly, and then I was thinking about paying Jacob a visit if you would like to join me."

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