Chapter Thirty

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-Adam's POV-

"Huh? They just disbanded it?!" Adrian proclaimed in disbelief.

"Who's JA?" I then asked, staring at the initials printed onto the bottom of the page, it was the only thing on the sheet I could actually read.

"Honestly, could be anyone," Adrian hummed, now playing with the pen in his hands with pursed lips.

"So, was this like hundreds of years ago or something?" The timeline was honestly confusing me, everything seemed so different here, yet strangely so familiar.

"Kind of but not exactly," my mate chuckled. "Time works differently in Galtolga, the time and days move a lot faster here than on Earth, so events that may seem to have happened hundreds of years ago here, may only be a couple dozen years ago on Earth," he explained.

"So, how old are you?" I asked almost hesitantly.

"18." He smiled at me knowingly. I went to ask more but he stopped me. "Here and on Earth I am 18, we use the same system when it comes to birthdays and ages." He was holding back a laugh, but the amusement shone brightly in his eyes, and I had to resist the urge to pull him closer to me and hold him in my arms.

Why couldn't we be alone right now? What were we here for anyway? Oh shit, yeah...the Sieloid.

"Yeah, we call them our human birthdays," Adrian joked, holding back the smirk that so desperately wanted to creep onto his lips.

"We do not." Kaden frowned at him, shaking his head with a sigh. He turned to Tom and smiled kindly. "This has been a great help, Tom. Thank you, I hope this will prepare us for what is yet to come."

"You are very welcome." Tom smiled, glancing towards the door. "Correct me if I'm wrong, but Soul Bound is a spell used between Keeper's, right? Both parties are needed to be able to perform the spell?"

"You are correct," Kaden confirmed, nodding his head subconsciously in thought. Neither of them spoke more on the subject and soon everybody found themselves sitting in silence, lost in thought.

I took the copied page from Kaden and examined the symbols written there, but it was a completely foreign language, if I hadn't heard Kaden translate the page, I would have had no idea what the thing said.

It was fascinating. Ceixean, huh?

Kaden turned towards Tom then and spoke to him directly, while I continued to examine the weird looking symbols on the page in front of me.

"Thank you for your service, if there is any way I can repay you for your efforts, please do not hesitate to ask." Kaden smiled appreciatively.

"Actually, there is something you could do for me. I stumbled upon another page in this book about different healing methods used here in Galtolga, and their effects. It became somewhat fascinating, and I was wondering about the different plants and herbs that you use. The healing balm you provided us worked wonders, even on us Lycans. I would like to know more about that if it is possible." That healing balm really was amazing, although usually we heal pretty quickly, if the damage is too great, it can take a while for our wolves to regain the energy needed to heal us.

"I believe Keiron would be the best person to ask about that, I do not meddle much in the medical side of things myself, but as long as you keep within the local quarters, I see no problem with you paying him a visit, he should be about to take a break so I would hurry if I were you."

"Thank you, Kaden, if you need anything at all, you know where I will be." Tom smiled once more before leaving the room as silently as a mouse.

Since when was Uncle Tom interested in botany?

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