chapter 10

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Maddies pov:
After the dick spider had shoved the table across the classroom I jolted awake confused of my surroundings it took a moment to figure out where I was. I look up at cash and see he was holding back a laugh from me being so confused and jolting up. I was quite embarrassed because everyone seen me jolt up and there was a few giggles across the room, but I just got up and helped cash move the chairs and that shrugging the people giggling.

Mrs jojo started talking about the activity we had to do, we had to walk around the class and shake 3 peoples hands. As I started walking around amarie started to walk towards me and stopped right infront of me and stuck her hand  out for me too shake. " fuck off map bitch I wouldn't be stuck here if it wasn't for your stupid obsession with everyone's love life just because you can't get your own." I shouted at her and walked away I could feel hers and jojos eyes burning in the back of my head. I found my way over to cash shook his hand we talked for a minute. I don't know but I feel like he is being wiered with me for some reason or hiding something from me. I shook missys hand and ants hand mainly to stay away from spider because he has been a dick to me recently.

After the activity miss jojo called us all to the front and told spider he had genital crabs. Me and cash started to laugh uncontrollably. Cash shouted something at spider so we high fived and miss jojo wasn't impressed by our behaviour and we just laughed. After being sat there for another q0 long long minutes the bell finally signaled letting us know it was the end of the day and me and cash ran out the class.

As we where walking down the corridor I noticed something up with cash so I asked him what was wrong and he completely blew me off. We got to the car park and I jumped in my car leaving cash to go because he said he didn't need a ride. I really need to find out what is going on with him because it is really starting to worrie me, we always tell eachother everything doe he not trust me or something I asked myself. I started my car speeding home because I just wanted to smoke some weed and sleep because u was over worrying myself with everything and overthinking things.

As I pulled up to my house no one was in so I jumped out of my baby ( car) that I dearly love and ran up too the steps of my house. As I walked in I went to the fridge and got some apple juice and a few strawberries and run up the stairs grabbing a lighter from the bathroom. When I got to my room I light my favourite lavender candel ate strawberries and put on some outerbanks to enjoy. Let me tell you rafe Cameron and jj maybank are the yummiest people I have ever seen the things I would let them do to me haha. After eating my strawberries and drinking my apple juice I opened my window and smoke my joint I was quite stoned so I just lay back and watch some more outerbanks obsessing over jj and rafe. Then I got up grabbed some short sorts and a black lace crop top and went for a shower. The shower was absolutely amazing then I went back and crawled into bed not wanting to move soon enough sleep completely took over me .

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2023 ⏰

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