chapter 1 "I remember you"

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I had flew in from California where I had graduated with my doctor of medicine. I was finally My father's dream, a doctor.  My sister was getting married. Big woop. I told my family I wasn't going to be able to make it, but I had a change of plans. I got out of the cab Infront of my insanely packed home, where over 300 people were celebrating. The moment I stepped in for the backyard I had eyes following me. I wore a tight black dress. My hair at the time was long and black. I had my hair half up and half down. I had jewelry coming off my neck and my wrist. I will admit I looked good, I was well respected and well admired. I walked past the line of cars to my father's backyard. I looked around at some familiar faces and some strangers. "Oh my goodness! Flower!" I heard my drunk younger brother yell. "Flower is that you!" I smiled "I know you're seeing double Fredo but it's me" I laughed against his lips as he kissed my cheek. "come! Come! Come see ma!" I waved my hand. "I'm avoiding that conversation Fredo. I'll make my rounds!" I laughed as I watched him stumble around. "Oh but she's your mother! You have to!" 
"I'll be there in a minute" I chuckled as I grabbed a drink from the food and beverage table. I scanned the area. "is that who I think it is?" I hear another voice say. I looked over at my father's good friend Peter clemenza. He was Almost like another father to me. "It is! Oh my god it is! Look at you! You're freaking gorgeous! Just gorgeous!" He kissed my hand a couple times. I smiled at his actions. "come! Come! Carmella!! Hey! Carmella!" He called. I grumbled under my breath. "No no it's alright I'll see her-"

"Fiore! Is that you!?" My mother yelled as she stormed in my direction. I smiled at her as I fell into her arms. "You told me you weren't coming! Look at you! My you're skinny! Eat! Eat! Let me get meat on your bones! Boys like meat!" She held my arms out as she held my hands to look me up and down. "What's with the dress huh? You trying to prove a point to some men huh?" I sighed. "Mama I just got here. Must you be on my case?" My mother shrugged. "I'm just saying! It's so tight! Its not very lady like! You're going to attract men's attention!" I took a deep breath "don't you want me to get a man ma?"

"Speaking of that! You haven't found a man yet! You're sister is almost 12 years younger than you and she's married! What are you waiting for!?" I closed my eyes in irritation. "Mama let's talk about this later okay? I must go see pop! I haven't seen him yet" she nodded. "Now you hurry up! I need you to eat! Eat!" She waved me off as she walked back to her table to socialize. I shook my head in disbelief. "Thanks clemenza!" I scoffed. Clemenza laughed "sorry kid. I didn't know she'd banter you like that!" He kissed my hand "your father is in his usual spot" I nodded "thank you" I walked away from him. In the meantime I witnessed my little brother Michael walk in. "Is that my little Mikey?" I smiled. Mike looked over as he smiled widely. "Holy shit! Look at you! Oh my god!" He hugged me tightly. "Look at me! Look at you! You''re freaking buff as shit!" I laughed aloud. He smiled as he panned to the lady he was with. " this is my girlfriend Kay" I smiled has I held out my hand. She watched me a little irritated and uncomfortable. "Oh! No! No! I'm Mikey's sister! Flower!" Her body relaxed with relief. "Ohhh. Gosh! Hello! Nice to meet you!" She smiled. "You nearly gave her. A heart attack Michael!" I laughed loudly patting his shoulder. "How's school?" Mike asked. "It's....going" I nodded. "Here here!" I pulled out a chair at a singular table "shit down Mikey. Eat. I gotta go find pop" he stopped me by my arm. "Don't tell him I'm here. Let him find out on his own" he says before he sat down. I nodded "no problem"
I quickly made my way inside where I rammed into a body. "Shit! I'm sorry!" I say as I went to pick up what the person had dropped. "I got it I got it!" He reacted.  I suddenly noticed the man. The blonde hair, the blue eyes, the perfect smile. "Tommy!" I smiled. He stared at me in shock. His face lit up with joy. "Flower...holy shit... Flo-" he hugged me tightly. "Look at you! You look amazing! You look gorgeous! I can't believe it's you!" He placed his hands on my hips has he continued to look at me. "You look good yourself Tom. Almost as good looking as you were when you were twenty" I laughed softly. he shook his head I disbelief. "You're still as beautiful as the day I met you" I bat my eyes up at him as he scanned my body. We both kind of zoned out watching each other in awe. "Scuse me" a woman says as she scooted past us. We both break out of the trance we were in to move out of the way. " uh my old man in the den?" I questioned. Tom nodded "yeah! Yeah! I'll bring you to him" he cleared his throat before I followed him into his office. Tom knocked on the door. "yes come in!" My father called. "Are you wanting another visiter pop?" Tom questioned. My father cocked his fingers "of course. Bring em' in"  I walked in before Tom. My father stood up as his eyes widened. "oh..oh my beautiful porcelain flower! Come! Come!" He held out his arms before pulling me in, holding my head to his shoulder. "you said you weren't gonna make it!"
"Change of plans daddy" I laughed happily as he held me close. "My sweet fiore! You've grown into a beautiful woman! Just beautiful!" He repeated with such joy in his voice. "Are you here to stay?" My father questioned. "For awhile daddy. I need a break. School has taken everything out of me" I sat down on his desk as he grabbed a glass for a drink. "How was school hm? Did you put in any applications for jobs?" I shook my head "not yet daddy. I wanted to see you first. Spend some time at home before I get busy" my father nodded in understatement. "Good choice baby girl. Good choice. I would like you to stay here for awhile. Just a little while" I sipped my drink. "I'm glad you agree pop, because I was kind of wondering if you could use me in the business at all" my father sighed. "fiore... You know how I feel about that. You know how your mother feels about that especially"

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Mar 30, 2023 ⏰

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