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Florence has a best friend! Well, I think he must be a best friend because she's decided that she's confident enough around him to tell him about the accident. She must really trust him. Before he came along, she swore that nobody could know about it. Apparently, she was scared of what people would say.

"Ils sont anglais !" She says. I think it's quite obvious that they are English. But what isn't obvious, is what being English has to do with it.
"Qu'est-ce que ça a à voir avec ça ?"
"Les anglais sont étranges. Ils ne peuvent pas prendre de compliments et ce sont des gens très grossiers. Je ne pense pas qu'ils seraient gentils s'ils le savaient."Personally, I haven't noticed that the English are strange, just different. I also haven't noticed that they are rude, but that's her opinion. Honestly, I don't think they would react that badly to it either, but I can see where she is coming from on that one.
The best part is that Jackson isn't even English, he's American, so she is still adamant that the English are not to be trusted with her secret.

Anyway, I'm just really glad that she has a friend. Someone she can really trust. I think that the reason she thinks she can tell him is partly because Papa approves of the idea. Flo always listens to Papa. Maman doesn't agree, but her input is not as important to Flo as Papa's or mine.

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