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It went quite well yesterday I think. I made friends with the most popular girl in the class. Her name is Maria. I don't normally like popular girls (there was even one girl called Alice that I really hated because she was such a snob) but at this new school, I need all the help I can get. Including people I wouldn't normally like. My long blonde hair and bright blue eyes really help. I think it's because of this that I have made friends with a couple of the boys too. I do realise, though, that, here, the girls don't want to be friends with the boys, they want more than that (much, much more, in fact).

But I'm not like these other girls. I'm not even English! I'm French. Very, very different. I don't want a boyfriend. Not yet, anyway. Plus, I can't see a world in which Maman would allow a boy anywhere near me. And the boys really want the girls too! I've already had a couple try to ask me out. Subsequently, they both ended up extremely embarrassed! I found it funny, but I don't think they did.

I also ran into the class bully. Or rather, she ran into me, quite literally! Her name is Bree. She goes out of your way to hurt people and get in their way. She's also constantly trying to get the boys to go out with her. Trying and failing, as far as I can tell. I asked Maria and she told me that Bree has been trying for a couple of years. Why keep trying if it doesn't seem possible?

Don't Let Me GoМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя