"The sea was created for people like you" Galien whispered as he moved a few strands on her hair "people who deserve to feel the fresh wind on their cheeks and to try food that no one would even think of eating, to explore unknown lands and befriend thousand of creatures that no one had ever seen" he wiped a newly set of tears on her wet eyes "the sea was created for you. The sea caves to those who wish freedom and you, my darling..." a wistful grin
"you are freedom"

A sob wrecked on her chest so loud that even the ocean gave its wild cry, salt water hitting the pointy rocks and the sun peeking on the horizon.

"B-but, but what about y-you?" She had asked through tears and cries and Galien, the man she had looked up to, gave her a tired broken smile.

"My time had since well past, even before Roger came to sail" he whispered like a hurtful secret
"The ocean had no place for an old man like me..specially so when I already see what it can offer."
She looked down with a wet sigh, breath still shaking.

"Something is going to happen.." he then stated almost wistfully "I can feel it...A new era.." a smile creeped it's way on his mouth, as if he was waiting for this moment all his life. "And I know someone like you would just fit right in" he looked down and grin at her despite of the tears on her cheeks. "So set sail and make a name for yourself, force your way into the history and make your old man proud!" A hand was placed atop of her unruly hair "after all, pirates are the most freest being of all!"


"Is it true?! is true?!! You're finally going to be a pirate?!" Luffy's face was dangerously close to her, wide grin and wide eyes as he jumped up and down with an excitement that she had never seen someone has.

Y/n step back with a frown, clenching her jaw when the boy follow her step and went close to her once again. Jeez..

"Yes, yes I am" she replied irritably, brown leather back slang on her shoulder. "Will you please get out of my face?"

"Eh? But I'm not-"

Sanji immediately dash to his captain - as if he has some wierd sensor for maiden in need of saving - pushing luffy away with a hard flying kick that send the rubber man straight to the shop wall.

Galien cursed at the background.

"GET AWAY FROM HER YOU SPACE INVADING DELUSIONAL MANIAC!" The cook's nose flared like a bull before he went to her, pulling out a random rose like some overrated magician before presenting it "Did my disgusting captain touched you at any way my beautiful fierce warrior? I must say you could easily crush him with that sexy pretty absolutely breath taking bice-"

Nami push him straight to the floor before he could even finish his sentence.


"She got a more manly hands than me" mumbled Zoro, pinky finger stuck on his ear as he leaned againts the wall.

Sanji's head had turned so quickly that y/n almost thought it would roll on the ground before he quickly run towards Zoro and grabbing his collar "THE FUCK DID YOU JUST SAY ABOUT NAMI-SWAN YOU PATCH OF GRASS!?"



"Join my crew" a defeaning silence followed Luffy's sentence, she could feel Galien's stare on the back of her head, as if waiting with bathed breath on what she would say.

Strangely none of the crew protested on their captain's statement, Nami just gave her a small smile that is both an apology and an encouragement while Zoro stared at her so heatedly, as if her answer would save him, as if her answer matter.

With her sweetened breath [ONE PIECE]Where stories live. Discover now