Chapter 29 - Princess

Start from the beginning

"What are you doing?" Anakin demands over their bond, only to receive the equivalent of a mysterious smile in answer.

"You are Anakin's apprentice, and I know you are important to him." The to us goes unsaid, but all three of them can undoubtedly hear it. "I should like to extend to you, the offer of adoption. You would be my daughter, just as Anakin is my son. Do you accept?"

Ahsoka visibly flounders, but the genuine emotion in her eyes shows how touched she is, shows how much this means to her. "Of course," she answers, in a surprisingly steady voice. "I would be honored... Father."

It takes Anakin all of ten seconds to understand why Vader did this. It's strategy. It's public proof that he's willing to accept any of the Jedi, not just Anakin. Anakin was popular among the Jedi, it is true, but he also never fit in. He was never truly one of them. But Ahsoka? She was raised in the Order. She, more than him, is a Jedi at heart, and the rest of the Order will acknowledge that. Seeing her on Vader's side publicly, seeing her as Vader's daughter, it will sway the opinions of the Jedi, too.

It's... it's brilliant, and Anakin finds that he is more than a little impressed by it, too.

The crowd goes absolutely wild at the words and when Vader reaches out, resting a hand on Ahsoka's shoulder. And to Anakin's surprise, Ahsoka steps closer to him, wrapping him in a brief, fierce hug. There is shock in the Force, but there is also a pleasant surprise and relief. Perhaps Vader was right about how having a visible family will make people more receptive of him. ... Of course, he was right.

"You have always been the daughter of my heart," Vader says to Ahsoka, quietly enough that probably no one else hears over the applause.

Ahsoka makes a quiet noise, half-laugh, half-sob. "I love you too, Skyguy," she whispers back against his shoulder before pulling back, head held high like the princess she, too, now is.

"Come on," Anakin comments lightly, touching her back. "Let's go mingle."

He doesn't look at the clones as he steps forwards into the crowd – he knows they are following him, shadowing him, and more than that, he has the Force as his ally, ready to warn him if he's in danger. They coached Omega on how to talk to people if she ends up alone, but the hope is for one of them to be with her at all times.

"I didn't say this earlier," Anakin murmurs to Ahsoka as the swell of voices rise around them, people talking, the room abuzz with Vader's revelations, "But congratulations, little sister. I didn't know either," he adds before she can ask. "I was as surprised as you."

He glances back, briefly, at Vader to see him speaking to a Senator, Cody standing behind him, his permanent shadow. "I'm fine," Vader sends to him, obviously sensing his gaze, though he doesn't pause in his conversation with the Senator. "Go on. Mingle. Maybe see if you can get in a word with Padme, see what her position now is."

The words are cautious, and Anakin flinches internally, his happiness dimming for a moment. He doesn't know if he's ready to see her, doesn't know if he can truly talk to her, knowing what she thinks about Vader. But... they're married. And he doesn't know what to do about any of it. He misses her, misses the quiet, peaceful moments they got together, no matter how fleetingly. And yet... well, there are so many complications. But he doesn't need to worry about it tonight. Tonight, he can try to enjoy himself as much as he can, surrounded by politicians.

Or maybe he can linger in the shadows, observing Ahsoka and Omega as they mingle.

"Hey, General."

He smirks a little at the casualness of Fives' voice, turning to look at him. He and Echo are both there with identical expressions of intrigue and curiosity on their faces. "Yes?"

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