"I know that's right." I looked down at my bowl of cereal to see that I was at the part where it was soggy making me not want to eat them anymore. I only like the crunchy part of cereal, Once the cereal gets all that milk in it I lose interest.

idkmiyahlol we know you did youn got the same hairstyle you had on vday

"Guh." I started laughing only because I was cut all the way off guard from that comment "Now y'all know I don't like keeping in my hairstyles long especially a wig, They get so irritating."

devtoofaded Yeen gotta lie we know you got cracked open and eaten like a crab leg

picturethismf @devtoofaded ESPECIALLY FROM WHAT JA POSTED

bluelondonk i went out to eat for Valentine's Day with my man my man my mannnn

"Finally someone answered my question, I love that for you. Everybody worried bout what I could've been doing on Valentine's Day when the real question is what y'all grown selves was doing on Valentine's Day." I rolled my eyes.

bundlexbri now y'all know my sister been selbent for two years 🙄

"Selbent?" I busted out laughing "Y'all are funny, I'm about to start getting on here more because no way."

zaraphobic you NEED to start getting on here more we barely hear from you unless you post

femaleplvto why youn be tweeting anymore

"Sometimes I forget I have social media guys. Why y'all don't be reminding me? Y'all must not want be on here for real, Period."

pleasebefr We gon remind you!!

"Y'all better." I took my phone and set it beside the sink, where I read some of the comments and chatted with the live while I washed my dish.

lexfineass where ja at

"He's upstairs playing the game, Y'all wanna see him?" I asked the live and a bunch of yes comments started coming "Alright, We gon go see him." I took out my phone and walked out of the kitchen, up the stairs "Y'all I'm out of breathe."

nikasheartbreak me after walking up three steps at school

I walked inside of Jamel's room and he was too focused on the game to even realize that I was now inside of the room.

"I'm about to fight this nigga one on one." Jamel pressed a bunch of buttons on his controller and I turned the camera to show the viewers him "Oh this nigga sneaking, He sneaking!"

thepiscesvillain 😂😂😂😂 just loud

"Right, He's never not loud when he's on that game." I replied to the comment and walked to the bed taking my slides off getting in the bed "I don't have anything planned today, Just going to chill."

"Bae who you talking to?" Jamel asked me and I turned my phone so he could see that I'm on live and he leaned in on the phone "Wassup y'all."

mrsbvrbie HEY BAE

mrsbvrbie look at my sister wive showing me my man, the weekend almost over bookie 😘

"Lil dookie booty gone and get in the camera. Yeah bitch, This is for mrsbvrbie cause you clearly ain't learn yo lesson the first time, Tell 'em what the fuck I said." I looked at Jamel.

"I can't fuck with you no more." He mumbled.


"I can't fuck with you no more."

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