"Let me in, Sarocha," she shouted through my barricade. "I'll make you eat those words."

"Well, they'll probably taste better than your cooking, dear," I teased, enjoying the sound of laughter in what was supposed to be her affronted voice.

"Open this door right now, Freen!"

"Well, that wouldn't be tactically sound now, would it?" I said walking away from the door and flopping down onto the bed. "How many times have I told you that anything between you and your assailant is an advantage, especially a door?"

"I'm going to make you regret insulting my tea making skills, Freen Sarocha. I can sit outside all night if I need to; there was nothing wrong with that cuppa and you know it."

"Bec, how long did you leave the teabag in for? That brew was so strong it practically needed chewing, I had to use the spoon to chisel off the crust."

"Will you quit taking the piss and open this door?" she laughed, still pounding on the frame, "stop being an ass."

"Door's not locked," I said sitting up and readying myself just in case. "You really should learn to check these things."

The pounding stopped abruptly and the handle turned, the door opening slowly to reveal a sheepish looking Becky.

"Didn't even think about actually trying to open the door," she admitted as she walked over to me. "I was sure you would have locked it."

"Always try the obvious, Bec," I told her as she perched herself on my lap, her arms reaching around my neck and toying with my hair. "Sometimes the most obvious thing to do is the best."

"I'll remember that," she said winking at me, "anyway, I didn't know you could do subtle. I thought you were a 'kick in the door' kind of girl."

"I can be subtle too, you know," I told her as she pushed her lips tantalizingly close to mine, holding us apart by a fraction of a millimeter; her soft, warm breath tickling my face. "Sometimes."

"So can I..." she said suddenly tugging at my t-shirt, pulling it over my head and throwing it across the room. She looked at me hungrily for a second before pushing me backwards and stripping off her own shirt, sending it after mine to land in the corner. "...sometimes," she finished, lowering herself on to me.

She was right.


The sun was setting as we settled down on the sofa once more, freshly brewed and drinkable cups of tea in hand. I'd dragged a protesting Becky out of bed and into the kitchen, promising her how to make a decent cup of tea. I nearly fucked it up myself this time, though, her delicious ass a terrible distraction when covered only by a large t-shirt. A large t-shirt that rose up an awful lot as I asked her to reach for item after item from the shelves.

Finally though, and much to my regret, I had to admit defeat and send her to pull some clothes on; her cheeky grin telling me she knew exactly what I'd been doing. I poured the milk into the cups with a smile before following her into the bedroom to pick up my clothes, dressing quickly under the longing gaze of my girl.

"You ready?" she asked as we sat down again, laying her hand on my thigh, "let's see what she has to say about your girlfriend, shall we?"

"Yeah, let's," I replied, sitting back and taking a breath. She smiled and clicked on the video, sitting back next to me as my mum's pale face appeared on the screen once more.

#20 – Girlfriend

"Hello again, Freen. I really hope that you're happy and well and all loved up... I assume you are anyway otherwise you'd never look at this tape, would you?

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