Me: That place wasn't exactly.... Good. I had to move fast, as some criminals were lurking in alleys.
Blake: You beat them? Right?
She says with happy expression.

Me: I was looking for some transport to Mistral, but as night was slowly approaching. I went for a hotel, during the night... some dude's broke into my room, I had to hide.

Ghira looks at me, as I show him some blood under my finger float. Making sure only he sees it.

Me: I fled, and took my things. As I was travelling by foot to Mistral, since I fled. I met a caravan with Schnee Dust. Which was transported to Mistral.

Kali: They didn't do anything wrong to you?

I give her a small smile.
Me: They didn't. They offered me a ride, I accepted. But, as we had a break. Bandits ambushed us, I was knocked out and kidnapped by the bandits.

Ghira: That katana. Who does it belong to? Is it yours?
Kali: Katana? Didn't he have a sword?

Me: A moment.

Thankfully, I kept Blood Manipulation on.
I brought Omen into the room.

Me: I'll tell how I got, Omen. In a moment, kay?

They all nod, as Blake is placing 90% of her curiosity on Omen.

Me: I was kidnapped by them, that's when I found out that my actual Semblance was Blood Manipulation.

I feel bad lying to Kali and Blake... but Ghira nods, as he knows truth.
I get a small cube out of my pocket, as it liquefies into blood.

Me: I... was forced to kill kids my age... to survive.

Blake: Kill?
Me: Do a very bad thing... I did it... to live... things after things, I was placed under direct watch of the Tribe Chief and Vice-Chief. Due to how dangerous my Semblance was, but...

Ghira: But? I guess they weren't scared?

I shake my head.

Me: They trained me, they treated me like family... took me on hunts to kill Grimm and hunt animals.

Kali places her hand on my head.
Kali: You lived. That's all that matters to us.

Me: I lived there.... for four years... until someone came, and destroyed everything...

Few tears start falling from my eyes, as Kali lightly rubs my head.

Me: Omen... belonged to Raven, Tribe Chief.... she died due to stealth attacking coated with some sort of... Aura disabling poison....

Ghira: Raven....? That sounds familiar...

Me: Branwen Tribe...

Ghira looks at me dumbfounded, as both Blake and Kali don't know what it is about....

Ghira: Akira... Branwen Tribe was destroyed?
Me: Burned... killed... everything. As Raven was dying, she asked me to deliver a note to her brother.

Ghira thinks for a moment.
Ghira: That drunk who was behind you?

Me: Yeah.

Blake: Was... Miss Raven, good to you?

Me: Yeah... she was like a harsh mother. Out of everyone, she smiled towards me the most. Even if-
Kali: She was harsh. She treated you as her own.

I nod, as we suddenly smell something burning..?

Kali: STEW!

She runs into Kitchen, as we all wait.

Ghira: Things in Mistral are going to get hectic. And dangerous.

Blake: Why dad?

He sighs and pats her head.

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