Chapter 8 - Fi

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I rested on the bottom set of the fire escape stairs picking nervously at my nails. I was fairing well considering how stressed I was about my missing Trait. It held most of my attention in my head leading me to be more distracted at work. Jacks kept covering my ass when I'd fuck up drink orders. He's been patient these past couple weeks, but I can tell he's starting to get annoyed with me. So, I was praying this Breton guy could help me get back in order.

Logan did end up calling me later that night while I was on my way home from work. I was surprised he stayed up to call because most people would've gone to bed and just called me in the morning or something, but I was starting to see that Logan didn't fall into the category of "most people." 

If there was one thing I was overly confident about, it was my gut feeling: It was never wrong. I had become quite comfortable with Logan rather quickly. He was genuinely a nice guy who looked like he carried the weight of the world on his shoulders; someone who looked like they just needed a hug. 

I could tell he was struggling with something, but I had no idea what. I double checked on him when I had him on the phone, but he glossed over the subject rather quickly. Whatever it was, he wasn't ready to share, so I didn't pry. Instead, I told him his visit was a pleasant surprise and encouraged him to stop by again which seemed to brighten his mood.

Logan and I had been texting regularly since that night. At first, it was just messages about my meeting with Breton, but then they slowly progressed into other topics. We talked a lot about music at first. Our common interest soon branched us into more topics as we slowly got to know each other more. 

I found out he was into boxing, not professionally just as a hobby. I was surprised, but only because I never thought to try it. To be perfectly honest, I didn't know enough about it, but I was willing to learn. Because of my Trait, I would be able to keep up with him. I hadn't told him about my little talent yet, but I wanted it to be a surprise, especially if did show me.

His texts had become the highlights of my days which brought a smile to my face every time my phone would go off. I had been staring at the damn thing impatiently waiting for Logan to pick me up.

I had felt a tad uneasy about today. I hated meeting new people and Logan's warnings about Breton only made me more nervous. I was hoping Logan was overexaggerating, but I wouldn't know until I got there...wherever there was. He had been so secretive about the whole thing which was understandable, but at the same time, just tell me where the fuck we're going.

Logan's silver Camry pulled into the alley startling me slightly. I saw him smile through the windshield as he gave me a small wave while he continued to grip the steering wheel. I shuffled my way to the passenger's seat and slid into his car. I slipped the seatbelt on and stared straight ahead which warranted an attention tap on my arm from Logan.

"Don't be nervous," he teased with a grin.

"I'm not nervous," I said, but watched his right ear move. I had noticed anytime I fudged the truth, his ear would twitch immediately after. I hadn't planned on lying about my feelings, but I wanted to see if my hunch was correct.

"What did I tell you about lying to me?" He asked, pulling out of the alley and onto the main road.

"To do it all the time," I cocked my head to the side and saw his ear twitch once again. "Ah-ha!" I pointed a finger at him. "When were you going to tell me you were a human lie detector?"

"Please don't refer to me as that," he grumbled, making a face of disgust.

"But it's true, isn't it?" I poked at his arm annoyingly until he swatted me away with a laugh.

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