hanging out with friends, interuptioned

Start from the beginning

This was the day where she made the worst mistake of her life.

Selen: no! No! NO! Don't tell me she already left you here!

Selen tried to grab the boy but the second she did, the boy turned into black goo.

Selen: No! Please don't leave! I'm sorry!

Selen tried to grab the goo and tried to mold it back to the kid but she failed miserably. She started to cry even more and even harder. She kept on crying as she was being forced to remember one of her biggest mistakes of her life.

Selen: I'm sorry. I really am. I just wish I never made that mistake. I just wish I could meet you again so I can fix everything.

While Selen was in pain about the past, the black started to float into the sky. Selen looked at the black goo as it floated into the sky. Then she noticed that the roses in the park started to also turn into black goo. All of the black goo went into the sky and smushed together and started to turn into a black ball.

Then the black ball started to burst out its wings. Then its arms started to come out and once the arms were out, its claws came out as well. The claws looked very sharp, sharper than any animal in the world, the claws looked like they could have cut through anything including steel. Then it showed its yellow glowing eyes, the yellow color of its eyes felt like it was staring at her soul and judging it.

Selen could barely understand what she was looking at. All she knew was that it was some sort of monster.

Once the monster was finishing transforming, she saw that it was a dragon of some kind made of goo.

But the one she notice was that it had a number on its chest


She was terrified of the monster that she couldn't mutter a single word or even have the balls to even move at all. She can only stare at it as it towers over her. Then the monsters noticed her and the second it did, it let out a roar, mightier than a lion and louder than anything in the world, one that she never heard before. Then it ran towards her and the second it was close to her, it opened its mouth to reveal its sharp teeth, teeth that were sharper than a shark's teeth. It got closer and closer at really high speed. The second it was closer to her, Selen released a high blood curdling scream, she screamed like she never before. Then the second the dragon was in front of her, the dragon ate her.

Real world

Selen opened her eyes in a cold sweat and screamed like a Banshee. She thrashed on her bed as she started to panic.

Elira: Selen calm down!

Selen, not noticing that her sister was in her, kepting thrashing as she was too scared of what she saw. She kept screaming as if her life was coming to an end to the point that their parents entered her room.

Mom: What's wrong!

Elira: I don't know! I think she's having panic attack!

Their parents then tried their best to calm Selen down. She kept on thrashing on the bed like a wild animal but then started to calm down. She was still sweating though and was still breathing heavily but stopped thrashing on her bed. After a few seconds, she started to calm down and come back to her senses.

Dad: Selen, are you okay?

Selen took some time to respond as she was still progressing with what just happened.

Selen: no i'm not.

Elira: What happened?

Selen: I had a nightmare, a really bad nightmare.

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