Chapter 20 - Revelations

Start from the beginning

She ran a thumb over my cheek, wiping away the tears I didn't realize escaped.

Was I upset? Maybe, but not at her. Definitely not at her. She was only trying to protect me from feeling hurt and betrayed, like I'm sure she feels from this entire situation.

"What does this mean? What's going to happen next?" I asked her, not knowing where we were going from here.

She brought her lips closer to mine. "I really don't know, Michael. All I know is that I love you, and that we'll get through this, too. Together."

I closed the gap between us and kissed her slowly. But again, our kiss was interrupted by her ringing phone.

"It's Grace," Angela wiped her tears, pressing the green button. "Hey, Grace... What? Oh, no... Don't worry about it, we'll be home as soon as we can."

"It's Rose and Jared, they have a fever." she sighed when she hung up. My wife looked so defeated as she got off my lap to take her purse.

I hurried to call the waiter and pay our bill before we were escorted back to the car.

The entire ride that annoying headache never stopped; I couldn't help but worry about Jake. I still had so many questions.


Angela: "Shh, baby, go to sleep..." Michael cooed at Rose who was still fussy. He held her close as he rocked her back and forth.

I was in bed, with Jared sleeping peacefully, his head on my chest. All the windows in our bedroom were open wide, the cool night air of Santa Ynez flowing in.

As soon as we came home, we took over for Grace and sent her to sleep, until the babies wake her up at least. I knew there was no way either Michael or me would be able to fall asleep tonight, so we told her we'd take care of our sick children.

"Daddy," Rose whined. "My tummy..."

Next thing I know, she was throwing up. My poor baby.

"Come on, sweetheart, let's clean you up." Michael rubbed her small back and took her to the bathroom.

I looked down at my son, smiling. Even as sick as he was, he managed to sleep like he usually does.

My phone went off again. It was Jake. Taking in a deep breath, I decided to press the red button.

The last thing we need right now is more to worry about.

Gently, I placed my baby boy next to me, then made my way to the bathroom to help Michael.

He was cradling Rose in a towel and was singing quietly.

"Need help?" I asked quietly.

"No, I think she's finally asleep," he answered. "Let me put her to bed."

Smiling, I put my arms out. "I'll do it, you should clean up too."

My husband nodded and placed our daughter in my arms. He kissed her forehead before hopping in the shower, never actually looking at me. I quickly dressed Rose in new PJ's, careful not to wake her up, then put her to sleep next to her brother.

The water was still running when I went back to Michael, so for the sake of a quiet moment I decided to join him.

His body stiffened as I wrapped my arms around his torso. I sighed into his back, placing small kisses on his skin, and hoped he didn't hate me for keeping Jake a secret.

"Angela," he said lowly. "I can't."

"Do you hate me?" I felt a lump form in my throat.

"No, never. I'm just very confused."

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