Chapter 18: Huddled

Start from the beginning

"Let's just---go inside and leave the car here." Hoseok utters, sensing Jimin's discomfort and around in the air as well.

"It's just goddamn few steps. Why did it have to stop now of all----". His words were cut by a rather loud sound of something falling on the bonnet of the car, makes the three of them let out a strangled scream, Hoseok being the loudest.

"WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT?!" Hoseok exclaims, placing a hand on his heart.

"I think we should get past Liliath first." Jeongguk says. "Let's go!"

The three of them get out of the car but Jeongguk stops in his tracks when a familiar darkness suddenly surrounds them, blocking the passage to Liliath.

Jeongguk's heartbeat quickens, remembering how he was not able to do anything against the shadow creature he encountered in the forest, even though he prides himself in knowing he is a great fighter.

The howling sounds can be heard but they are much more gargled, strained and loud, definitely not of a normal wolf.

The three best friends move closer, looking all around, ready at brim in case of an attack.

"How big was that monster that attacked you, by the way?" Jimin asks.

"Twice the size of our wolves, go figure." Jeongguk replies.

"Oh my Luna." Hoseok shudders.

The darkness zeros in around them, creating the eeriness of the impending doom that might strike. Their senses are heightened, waiting, calculating.

Jimin is the first to strike, stopping the beast just in time before one could even take time to breathe, they strike before they're even seen.

The impact leaves Jimin stumbling on his feet before he's attacked again. Hoseok runs for his help, his sharp claws digging in the body of the shadow wolf.

Jeongguk is met with familiar deep red eyes of a wolf, surrounded by the smoke of the shadow but this time it looks smaller, like an actual wolf and not something towering over him with no chance of getting hurt.

This gives Jeongguk strength enough to strike, hard and satisfaction seeps through him when he's able to claw at the wolf.

Howls and roars surround them, indicating more to come and they know they'd be outnumbered because they could feel so many breaths, so many heartbeats, erratic and quick.

Turning into their wolf form gives them leverage to fight on the same level and power with the shadow wolves but they are still at a disadvantage, they're heavily outnumbered.

Call. Help. Too many wolves.

Their wolves connection is simple and always to the point. Only mates can have proper conversations through links.

Jeongguk had to think of something soon because Jimin and Hoseok were hurt, even if not severe. It would just be a matter of time when hell will let loose.

Taehyung. But he cannot have him be in danger because of him.

Jeongguk bares his teeth and snarls, he'd fight as long as he can, even if he takes damage, he'd always protect his friends. He lunges forward, his friends behind him as they get surrounded by the dark shadow.



Taehyung stops talking in the middle of a conversation with Seokjin and Namjoon who are as usual there with him at the weekend.

"I'm sorry okay. I was busy but I'm here now." Seokjin says, thinking Taehyung altogether chose not to talk to him.

"Besides, you should be resting. You said you're not feeling well." Seokjin utters.

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