New rules

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We arrived at Martha's place and she opened the door with a bright smile. Something about her looked different and I couldn't quite figure out what until she turned around, she was pregnant, the 'literally about to give birth' type of pregnant.

"Oh my god, congratulations" I smiled as I wrapped my arms around her very carefully.

"But she's still just a kid" Gale whispered to Dewey.

"You know what it's going to be?" I asked very excited at the idea that Martha was going to have kids despite Gale's comment.

"It's going to be a boy... and a girl" she smiled placing her hand on her stomach.

"I'm very happy for you Martha, really" I said as I tried to contain my smile.

"You're here for the video, aren't you? Randy told me about this when he first came back home after starting College. He said he was sure you'd need it someday. It's ready in the living room" she explained as she invited us to come in.

We all sat on the couch and it just felt a little weird when Randy's face appeared on screen. He started talking about how sorry he was that we were seeing this because it meant he didn't survive.

"I know I shouldn't have given my virginity, rookie mistake. I don't regret it, not at all" he said as he winked at the camera causing me to chuckle. Not many people know this, in fact only Tatum and Sidney know this, but Randy and I had our first time together back when we were pretending to be together. I wanted to experience this and he did too so... I noticed the others were all staring at me, including Sidney who was trying not to laugh.

"But I thought you were a... I don't understand how kids work anymore" Gale mumbled as she gave me a confused look.

Sidney let out the laugh she was holding and we went back to the video. I knew what he was going to say, we've watch thousands of horror movies together. The last movie of a trilogy basically breaks all the rules, everything you think you know well you don't. You can't trust anyone and everybody can die at any time, including the previous movie's survivors. It means Dewey, Gale, Sidney and I could die.

We thanked Martha for showing us the video and decided to head back to my house. I went with Sidney in the car so my brother and Gale would be alone. It's been weird since Gale left, they barely talked to each other and the only time they did it ended in a fight.

When we walked in my living room, I realized Sidney never actually came here since she moved out of Woodsboro before I brought this little house. I let her discover the place and she asked some questions about some of the objects, mainly Randy's objects. She froze when she saw the picture.

"We all looked so happy" She whispered as her finger grazed over Tatum and Randy's faces.

"Yeah... Martha said it was Randy's favourite picture" I smiled as I stood right behind her and gently placed my hands on her hips.

"I miss them, Tatum and Randy, I miss them every minute of every day" she spoke as she put the picture back where it previously was.

"I know Sid, I miss them too. But I'm sure that a part of them will always be with us somehow" I tried to reassure her. I really did believe that, I didn't just say it to make her feel better. I was convinced that we would forever carry a piece of the ones who didn't survive.

"I've been thinking about what Randy said, if there's even the slightest chance that I might die I don't... I don't want to die like this" she said and tried very hard to stop her voice from breaking.

"What do you mean?" I asked her. I was still standing behind her with my hands on her hips and I could feel her body relax under my touch.

"Lonely, I don't want to die feeling lonely. I haven't let anyone touch me since my mother died and Derek was sweet enough to not put any pressure on me but I... couldn't trust him enough to let him touch me" she whispered like she was afraid that anyone other than me would hear it.

"I'm sorry that you feel that way" I answered not really knowing what else to say.

"You're very clever but god... you're awfully stupid sometimes. Y/n I'm asking you to touch me" she said out loud and it took me a second to realize what she just said.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" I carefully asked. I wanted to do this because truth is I felt lonely too and Sidney was the only one who could make the feeling go away but I didn't want her to regret it later.

"I wouldn't dare to ask if I wasn't sure" she smiled as she turned to face me, making sure my hands never left her body.

"Alright, Sid if at any point you change your mind it's okay, just tell me" I whispered in her ear as I gently place a hair strand behind it, grazing my finger against her skin. She nodded and let her brown leather jacket fall on the floor. "You do realize Gale is standing in Dewey's kitchen and can see us right now?" I chuckled against her neck before placing a soft kiss there.

"Yeah well, let's give her something good to write about" she chuckled before gently pulling my head back to kiss me. I don't care if this is just a one-time thing to make a temporary feeling disappear, we both really need this right now.

I reached under Sidney's thighs and lifted her up, she wrapped her legs around my waist to secure her body as I walked us to my bedroom. I carefully sat on my bed and let Sidney straddle my lap. She pushed her body closer to mine and slid her tongue between my lips.

No one could see inside my room; I did have windows but I put curtains that made it impossible to see the inside of the room from outside. Sidney broke the kiss only to take off her shirt and proceeded to take mine off. She grabbed my hand, still straddling my lap, and guided it to the aim of her jeans. She unbuttoned it and slid my hand under the lace fabric of her underwear.

"Sidney, are you sure?" I whispered between her lips.

"Yes, I am sure" she breathed before crashing her lips back onto mines.

A/N - This is very "light" smut as it's not the main point of this story but it's quite important for the characters' relationship  development. I don't mind writing more detailed smut scenes if anyone wants to read more of this! Anyway, I hope you're enjoying the story so far. Take care 💕

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