Hell of a ride

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"What do we do now?" Dewey asked when I finally got out of the bathroom.

"We need to get Sidney out of here, the fancy FBI agents won't be able to protect her" I spoke as I gathered everything I could use as a weapon.

"Y/n, it's their job" my brother said.

"Yeah, right" I chuckled. "It's our job too Dewey, it's my job and look around you. Our sister's dead, my best-friend's dead" I snapped at him. I was wrong for doing that, it wasn't Dewey's fault nor mine but right now I needed someone to blame and the two police officers of the friend group seemed like the right pick.

"Who's the bitchy one now" Gale mumbled while rolling her eyes at me.

"Oh, sorry miss Weathers, do you want to get punched again?" I threatened as I walked closer to her.

"Why don't we go back to the campus and find Sidney?" Dewey asked, trying to calm me down. I sighed and nodded, taking my gun and a knife just in case.

We drove to the campus and reached Sidney's room without any trouble. Dewey and Gale waited outside while I ran to find Sidney. Of course, the two FBI agents were standing next to her bedroom's door. The let me in as the new who I was.

"Sidney..." I spoke knowing this wasn't going to be easy. "Randy's... Randy's gone" I struggled to say. I watched as her face switched from confusion to sadness and anger.

"It shouldn't have been Randy, it should have been me" she cried, throwing a random object through the room.

"No, it shouldn't be either of us. We're going to get you out of here" I placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. We walked out of the building closely followed by Hallie who said she would stay with Sidney wherever they were going.

When we reached the front door we found Dewey and Gale with a huge bag full of records that Gale cameraman left her before he ran away. Smart decision I must admit.

"If he's always so close to us then his face must be somewhere in those videos" I said more to myself than to the others as it was pretty obvious.

"Dewey and I will stay and look at it, we will call you if we find anything" Gale told Sidney and I as the FBI agents rushed us to the car.

We climbed in the back and they locked the door to make sure no one would come in which also meant no one could come out. I looked at Sidney who seemed to be thinking the exact same thing as me. We've been through this before, we need a way out in case anything happens.

They started driving but something felt weird, I had this feeling that something bad was going to happen. I didn't say anything because I didn't want Sidney to freak out but when I saw the look on her face I knew she felt the same way. I gently placed my hand on top of hers as a way to tell her it would be okay; we would be okay.

We stopped at the red light and the agent who was driving turned to face us. As soon as he did we saw the familiar ghost mask appearing behind the window. Before we could even scream, the killer broke the window and slashed the agent throat. The other one ran out of the car as ghost face pulled his partner body out of the engine and sat on the driver's seat. He started the car and rolled over the other agent.

Everything happened really fast but thankfully, if we can say it like that, the agents body landed on the front window of the car which crashed, knocking out the killer. My head hurt and my vision was blurry but I knew I needed to get my shit together. We started trying to open the doors but they were locked.

"Fucking police car" I mumbled as I looked for another way out. Sidney started ripping off the wire fence between the front and backseats. Damn, she's smart. I helped her to ripe it until the hole was big enough for us to get through.

"Sid, you go first. I'll send Hallie and I'll be right behind her, alright?" I whispered. Sidney nodded and carefully climbed through the hole. For a minute she hesitated to take off the killer's mask but we told her to get out first. Hallie successfully got out and stood out of the car next to Sidney, waiting for me to come out.

I mimicked the girls moves and made it to the passenger seat. I carefully climbed on top of the killer to reach the window. I was halfway out when I felt the sharp pain of cold metal piercing through my thigh's flesh. I kicked the killer's face with my feet and Sidney pulled me out of the car's window.

"You're okay?" She whispered, looking at my heavily bleeding thigh.

"Well, I couldn't were bikinis anymore, now I can't even were shorts" I sarcastically chuckled.

"Come on, we need to get out of here!" Hallie whispered-yelled trying to get us as far away from the car as possible.

"I want to know who it is" Sidney spoke earning a confused look from her roommate.

"You're right, if we know who it is then we take a step ahead of him and we don't have to run anymore" I agreed with her.

"No, no, no! Dumb people go back, smart people leaving. We're smart people so we're leaving!" Hallie tried to convinced us but we were already walking back to the car. The only thing we found was an empty seat.

"He's gone" we said out loud at the same time. Hallie answered something that I didn't quite hear and when I turned around to face her, the killer was standing behind her. He started stabbing her and the poor girl tried to defend herself but it was too late.

I grabbed Sidney's hand and we ran away as fast as we could. My leg hurt pretty causing me to limp. I was slowing her down...

"Sid, run as fast as you can, I'll be right behind you" I said as I let go of her hand.

"No, no-"

"Sid, please" I cut her off and surprisingly she listened.

𝐓𝐎𝐎 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐆 𝐅𝐎𝐑 𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐒, Sidney PrescottWhere stories live. Discover now