Back in town

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My phone buzzed, early in the morning. I didn't have anything planed today; I had no alarm set... Who's the fuck was calling me at 6am? I took the phone and answered.

"Y/n, you need to come home. I need you home. We all need you home." my sister's voice pleaded through the phone. Fucking hell.

It felt weird coming back in this town where I grew up after being gone for one long and peaceful year. I promised I would never go back there but here I was, driving, on my way to Woodsboro. When Tatum, my twin sister, called me I knew there was an emergency and after checking the news I saw this horrible stuff that happened. A young couple, teenagers, probably people she knew were killed in pretty violent and traumatizing way. This wasn't the first time someone was murdered in Woodsboro and last time it happened I kind of used it to get away... One of my biggest shame I must admit.

I spent the whole road wondering about what would happen when I'll see her. Because at some point I will have to. I left when she needed me the most. After Sidney Prescott's mother was murdered, almost a year ago, I left like a coward. I needed to get away from her and her sick boyfriend. My whole life I knew her, since kindergarten, and since then I knew the way I felt about her was deeply inappropriate. Tatum always knew and she waited until I made the move and decided to talk to her about it. Dewey's reaction was the sweetest, he was just promoted sheriff and when he found out he became so protective. He would always check in and take time to talk about it when I needed to. Tatum teased me all the time which kind of didn't help... Our parents weren't so supportive which was expected but they started to get distant and treated me like shit so I left. I left my life, my siblings and... and Sidney.

After a long and stressful road, I parked in front of my parents' house but none of my siblings' car was there. Great. I made my way to the police station and with no big surprise they both were there. I walked inside. An old white man stopped me, explaining how I had nothing to do there.

"Excuse me old man, she's the sheriff's sister let her in" Tatum yelled making her way towards me. She jumped in my arms.

"Damn did your boobs get bigger?" I asked laughing. I knew she would like the compliment as she always had issues with her body. I always thought she look perfect and that is not because we look the same. We do not. She' s a beautiful perfect blondie, perfect body, stupid boyfriend, party lover... well you got it. I'm a brunette with long wavy hair, blue eyes, freckles but only in summer when my skin's tanned. Otherwise, my skin is as pale as Tatum's but that's the only thing we have in common. We're opposites really.

"So did your ass. Damn, I bet Sid's going to like that." She teased me. I've been there for five minutes and she's already starting again... "Speaking of the devil... she doesn't actually know that I called you... and that you answered... and that you're here..." Nice Tatum. Really Nice.

"I'm sure she'll be delighted" I sarcastically whispered hopping she wouldn't be too mad at me even though she had every damn right to be. Tatum held my hand in hers and dragged me to Dewey's office where Sidney was sitting, a huge crying mess. I was about to speak when I was interrupted by someone lifting me up and hugging me. Dewey. I wrapped my arms around him. I swear he's the only man on earth I'll ever feel safe around. He let go of me and softly caress my cheek, he used to do that to Tatum and me when we were kids but she started biting him so he stopped. Anyway.

"What is she doing here?" Sidney asked Tatum, glancing at me.

Too young for this, Sidney PrescottWhere stories live. Discover now