Light, camera, action!

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I was forced to get up when I heard a relentless knock on my front door. I put on some pants and a sweater, tied my hair in a messy bun and made my way to the door.

"Gale? What are you doing here?" I asked surprised to see the familiar face of Gale Weathers. She left Woodsboro a while ago, Dewey and she didn't exactly work. He wanted to stay here and she needed to leave, she needed to live. I can't blame her, she's a journalist and a writer, she isn't going to get much stories here.

"Haven't you heard? They're installing the whole movie set at your parents' house and they finally got Sidney's dad to sign the papers" she sounded excited by the news. A while ago, the producer of stab decided to reshoot the first movie with brand new actors and the original set. He wants to be in Woodsboro to make it more real.

"I've heard, I just don't give a shit" I shrugged as I let her walk in.

"Have you talked to Dewey?" she hesitantly asked knowing it was a touchy subject.

"No, I haven't and I don't want to" I answer a bit more coldly that I intended to.

"I hate that you two aren't talking" she mumbled. The thing about Gale is that, when you first see her she seems like a complete heartless bitch but when you get to know her, you discover a whole other person. She truly cares about my brother and sometimes I like to believe that she cares a little about me too.

"You know what? I hate it too. But that's how it is. I told Dwight I didn't want to do it and he went against my will without even trying to compromising. He signed those goddamn papers and now they're going to shoot this shitty horror movie in my house. And how the fuck did they get Sidney's dad to sign the papers?" I started yelling because I was truly mad but Gale knew I wasn't mad at her so she didn't take it personally.

"I don't know Y/n, if I got to be honest I don't really like this either" Gale admitted which seemed weird to me because this movie will be a hundred percent based on her book and she'll probably earn a lot of money. "You want to know something cool though?" she tried to cheer me up a little.

"What?" I gave her a weak smile.

"Winona Ryder's going to play you" she said knowing it would make me smile. "And Cotton Weary's going to play Billy" she added with a disgusted look on her face.

"Ugh, what that man would do for fame... Whose pl- Never mind" I corrected myself. I knew exactly who was playing Gale, Jennifer Jolie, Dewey's new girlfriend or whatever. I don't like her; she think she's on top of everyone else but all she does is mediocre acting.

Gale and I spent the rest of the day together, we decided to go for a walk before heading to our favourite restaurant for lunch. We spent the afternoon at the park, she let me read the new story she's working on and I must admit it seems pretty great. She's writing a book about what happened to her during the past two years, she travelled a lot so there're a lot of very interesting stuff in that book.

When I got back to my place I called Sidney to check on her, I knew her dad was supposed to come and visit so I wanted to know how that was going. He wasn't a huge fan of Sidney being alone somewhere in the mountains.

"Hello, my favourite final girl, how are you doing?" I asked when she picked up the phone.

"Hey yourself, I'm good, how are you? Have you talked to Dewey?"

"Why does everyone keep asking me that, I'm not the one who should apologize" I defended myself.

"I know, actually I know. I just had a fight with my dad about this. First, he wants me to come back to Woodsboro and then he tells me he accepted to let them shoot the movie at our house? How could he do that?" she snapped and started yelling just like I did with Gale earlier.

"This sucks. At least Laura Prepon's playing you, she's hot" I joked earning a chuckle from the brunette.

"Yeah says the one who got Winona Ryder!" She laughed through the phone. "I can't believe you got Winona Ryder" she whispered as if she was talking to herself.

"I miss you Sid"

"I miss you too, you know you could come and see me" she said as if we didn't have that conversation a thousand times.

"You know I can't, I don't want to put you in danger. You're safe wherever you are, I don't want that to change" I explained as gently as I could. If it wasn't dangerous for Sidney, I would go and see her all the time but it is dangerous for her and I'm not willing to take that risk. We talked for an hour before she had to hang up.

I thought it would be a great idea to take a bath since I needed to relax a bit. I got everything ready and carefully laid down in the bathtub. The feeling of warm water against my skin made the headache go away. I closed my eyes and enjoyed this comforting moment until my phone rang. It was too far from the bathtub for me to grab it and it didn't want to get out yet so I let it ring. After a few seconds of silence, it rang again. I quickly got out, dried myself and put on some fresh underwear and while I was doing this the phone never stopped ringing.

When I looked up at the screen, I realize I didn't know that number and suddenly I was back two years ago. I shook my head to push those thoughts away but still sent Dewey and Gale a '911' text, we decided that's what we'd do if any of us ever got a weird anonymous call. I finally gathered the courage to pick up and waited for the other person to speak.

"Hello Y/n, ready to play a game?" the terrific voice spoke through the phone.

A/N - This is the beginning of the new and last part (related to the third movie). I'd like to add a smut warning for these chapters. I'm saying it now because it would kinda ruin the fun to do it at the beginning of the chapter in which it will happen (I've seen a lot of people on Wattpad doing that but I don't really appreciate it, I think it ruins the mood). I hope you're ready for this, so far this part will be the one that's the most different from the movie it's related to (if that makes sense). I've decided that I will stop the story after this part as I don't want to see the characters age, the name of the story is 'Too young for this' and I don't think it's relevant to continue the story once they aged and became grown adults. I will probably start a new story based on the other movies but the love interest will not be Sidney. Take care 💕

Too young for this, Sidney PrescottWhere stories live. Discover now