Memory Nightmare

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Nightmare 1~

"" I mumble over and over again, as I watch my ex, Rylie suddenly push the girl off him, pulling the covers over the girl. 

"Listen! I can explain!" He says, getting out of the bed, chucking on a pair of sweats. He looks back at the girl and says, "Get out." She looks back and forth between us, before slowly dressing up. 

"No...this-this is unexplainable." I whisper, my lips quivering. 

"Babe. Listen-please." He begs, suddenly getting desperate as he nears me. But my eyes aren't on him, my eyes is on the clueless girl sitting naked on MY bed. She looks shocked, and guilty. 

"I am so sorry"- Before the girl can finish her sentence I stop her, 

"No. Just get out, please just get out. So we can talk." I whisper, pointing towards the door. 

I watch as she nods weakly, hurriedly chucking on a random hoodie, and rushing past the two of us, giving Rylie a glare of disbelief.  

Once she leaves, Rylie looks at me, pleadingly, "I swear it didn't mean shit." 
I look at him, tears welling in my eyes as I shake my head, "No-no- that meant shit...that fucking meant shit!" 

He takes a step forward, attempting to grab onto my hand, but I push him back, "I trusted you! I trusted you!" I take a deep breath, looking up at him with my teary eyes, , "Remember how I told you that I'll fight for you as long as you need me to?" My voice was quiet, strained almost.

I felt my heart constrict in my chest. "Yes," He  breathed out, blinking a few times to keep the tears at bay. "Of course, I do."

"I am running out of fight." I whimper, pulling my hands to my chest. 

He looks down at me, shaking his head, "Do not say that, baby. Please, I have lost too much people." 

I let out a bitter laugh escapes my mouth, "Oh, so were gonna talk about the people we lost, Rylie!?" I ask, dryly chuckling after his remark. The moment he picked to cheat on me  was the moment he lost me. "Because I can talk about it all fucking day!" I say referring to my dead parents, and elder brother. 

"No...I didn't mean it like that." 

"I know I couldnt trust my ex-" My throat suddenly seems to go dry, as I purse my lips at the thought of my ex, "But I trusted you, Rylie!" I quickly wipe away my tears of anger, frustration, and denial, "I trusted you and I needed you to be my partner." I shake my head at him, biting the inside of my cheek and say, "And you can't even do that!"

Rylie sighs, running a hand down his face, as he tries to hold back his tears, "I am doing..."

I cut him off with a scoff, pointing an accusing finger at him, "No, you're not." I let out a dry laugh as I shake my head, "God, Rylie!" Kissing my teeth, I finally say, "Maybe if you had seen me struggle...then you would see how much this would have hurt me."

Rylie seems to see where he had gone wrong as he tries to grab a hold of my shoulder, but I shove him off me, "Trust me now, please!"-

"No." I turn to my ex-lover, a sad smile on my lips as I whisper, "Out of everyone I did not expect this from you."

Rylie closes his eyes as if my words has an effect on him, "I am sorry."
I shake my head and whisper, "You are fucking dead to me."

Rylie's eyes snap open ad he hurriedly says, "you don't mean that."

"I fucking mean. Every. Fucking. Word." I state. "You are dead to me, Rylie."

"I don't believe you."

"You and me. There is nothing there." At this point I was just saying anything that came to my mind, but I continued as I watched tears stream down his face, "Oh, your crying? Your fucking crying!? You fucking bitch! You're the one who's hurt!? You're the most self-centred. Idiotic person I have ever fucking met! You cheat on me, and your fucking crying!? Are you fucking kidding me!?"

I watch as he shakes his head, "Please babe. Your just mad. I love you. I love you in my life. Do not leave me." 

"I hate my life. I hate myself And I hate this relationship. I hate everything about my entire stupid life. So, you can blame me, you can yell at me. And you can do whatever the hell you want. Because honestly... I wish I was dead. I don't feel anything anymore. And you want to know the best part? I don't even care." I whisper, taking two steps away from him. 

"No. No. No." He whimpers, truing to grab a hold of my hand again, my I shrug him off me. 

"Do not touch me after you touched her!" I scoff, tears streaming down my face, "I thought you were happy. I thought we were happy." He opens his mouth to say something, but once again I stop him, "I left Oakley FOR YOU! Because your promised me love! Your promised me something I craved for!" 
"Baby." He mumbles, wiping away the tears that were streaming down his face, his hand reaching to wipe mine away, but I take a step back, continuing to do so, until I was close enough to the door. 

He catches onto what I am about to do, and says, "Dont you dare! Please baby! Let's talk about this! it's raining!" 
"I don't care." I whisper, as I fully turn around, sprinting towards the door, glad to find it was slightly left ajar, as I slam it open, running out of the house, his screams in the background of the rain. 

Once I am far enough, and notice a bus stop, where I could take cover, I walk over to it, plopping myself onto the seat, as I go over what had just happened. 

Sobs immediately leave my mouth, as I let myself break down. 

It hurts so much. 

Make it stop.

My heart. 

I have been betrayed. 

Grabbing my phone out of my soaked pockets, I press onto the first contact that pops up. 

Aaron. Aaron. Aaron. 

"Aaron." I breathe out, my voice shaky. 

I hear shuffling from his side of the phone as he says, "Aria? What's wrong?" 
"Rylie cheated." 

"Fuck! Aria please dont tell me you've done something stupid! Where are you!?" He asks, hearing more shuffling. 
"I don't know Aaron. I don't even know." I whimper, causing more tears to escape my eyes. "I really thought he was the one." 
"Baby, where are you?" He asks, in a more soft voice. 

"He promised me he wouldn't pull this shit on me." I whisper, leaning my head against the glass. 

"Please tell me where you are." 

"I dont know." I whisper tiredly, shaking my head, even though he couldn't see me, "He cheated on me with this beautiful girl. Was I not enough? Am I not enough, Aaron?" 
"Fuck. Your more than enough, love. But right now I need to find you, so we can come home and talk about it then, how about that hmm?"

"Aria..." I hear from the distance. But I ignore it. "Aria!" This time everything begins to shake, everything going black, before I quickly reopen them, my eyes boring into Oakley's. 

"Nightmare." I whimper, as he grabs onto my waist, pulling me on top of him. "Rylie." These period cramps must really be effecting my emotions. 

Sorry ya'll had to make this depressing bc I am honestly feeling so sad rn, and decided to right how I feel...if you get what I mean, i'm js in a goofy mood. 

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