Drunk (Oakley's POV)

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It had been a week since I had been living with Aria. And it was fun and all, but I could tell something was up with her. She was acting up. Maybe she needed a break from modeling? Or maybe she needed a break from everything. Including fame. 
Unfortunately today I had finished in the studio a bit late so I had to go home late, which I regret. 

As soon as I enter the house, the smell of Alcohol is met with my nose, making me dash into the house, looking everywhere for her, only to find her in the kitchen, a bottle of Whiskey in her hand, her phone in her other hand. 

She whips around, surprised to see me. "O-Oaks! Whiskey so good!" 
I would laugh at how stupid she sounded right now, but I couldn't. I had to make sure drunk Aria didn't think she was funny. 

"C'mon Aria. Bed time." I sigh, walking towards her. 

"Noooo! But listen." She squeals getting up from her seat, giggling like an idiot. 

"Okay. Give me one reason, I should listen." I say, stopping in my tracks. 

"Uh- because my house." She says with a smirk, making her look so sexy-no, no. She is drunk. ]

"Yes. And i have to babysit you. So c'mere." I say, walking towards her, making her, run around the counter. 

"Noooo! Me not baby! So don't sit!" I scoff at her, shaking my head, not believing what I was gonna say, 

"I'll read you a book?" 
"I'll sing for you?"
"I'll give you a goodnight kiss?" 
"Yes. But don't take my whiskey." 
I raise my eyebrows in shock, but quickly cover it up, not wanting to make her run around naked or sum. "Okay. Come here my love." 
She slowly walks over to me, her whiskey bottle still in her hand, once she is close enough, I quickly yank the bottle out of her hand, and picking her up bridal style. 

"Noooo! You lie!" She begins to hit my chest weakly, I ignore it and begin climbing the stairs. "You liar." She sobs into my chest, I look down at her, seeing actual tears running down her face. Sighing, I walk over to her room, opening the door with one hand, and carrying her with the other. Man does this girl even eat? She is light as fuck. 

I quickly lock her bedroom door in case she attempts to run off, carrying her to her bed, as she still continues to cry. 

I gently place her on her bed, watching as she curls up into a ball, rocking herself back and forth. My heart shatters seeing her like this. I close the light. 

I move to sit down next to her, leaning against the headboard, pulling her to my lap, as I turn on the lamp on her bedside table, "Shhh. What's wrong, sweetheart?"

She continues to sob, putting her head into the crook of my neck, I fell her tears drip onto my neck as she says, "Stress. Over work, Freyja. Scared Aaron and Ace gonna get into some shit, and I won't be there to help them. Expectations of fans. Too much stress. And whiskey helps forget." 

I close my eyes sighing. 

She is stressed. She is stressing over everything. 

"Why are you stressed over work?" I ask, stroking her hair. 

"I am ugly. They'll notice soon." She mumbles, as I pull her closer to me, making her lay against my chest, as I adjust myself so I was laying down. 


"Sweetheart. You are beautiful." I whisper into her ear. 

"No. Why does Matteo cheat on me?" She sobs harder mentioning her ex. 

"Because he is an asshole. Okay?" I feel her nod against my chest. "Now why are you stressed over Freyja?"
"W-what if she hurt and I not there?" She whispers, having no tears left. 

"Baby, she has Clint. She has me. She has Dave. She has so much people, we won't let anything happen to her, do you understand me?" I reassure her, this girl amazed me. She really does care for the people around her, even if she doesn't like to show it. 

"Why you scared that something will happen to Ace and Aaron?" 

"They stupid. They make lots of enemies. Very easily. And normally I be there to stop sum before it turns into something bad, or I'll protect them. But I am not there." She shivers, thinking about her two best friends possibly getting injured. 

"It's okay sweetheart, alright? They have a lot of people with them. And how about tomorrow, I will personally ask them to be careful, how does that sound?" 


"What's with your fans?" 
"Questions. Constant questions." 
"Everything is gonna be alright, do you understand me, I am here with you. I promise I won't let anything happen to anyone." She nods weakly. "Sleep." 


"Of course." I whisper, turning off the lamp, and pulling her closer to me, she stirs in my hold, before she falls asleep. 

"Please don't be stressed." I whisper, knowing she was still asleep. 

I knew something was up with Aria, but I never knew it was that big. She must feel pressured and stressed, all she needs is a break from everything. 

One thing I admired about her, was that she put her loved one's before her. It was cute. 

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